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    Picasso And Perugino Essay (1091 words)

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    The Picasso and the Perugino paintings in the art book are in no way really similar; they are infact very different aside from the fact that the main piece of the painting is a female. The colors used in Picasso’s Weeping Woman are a lot of Brights. But the colors in Perugino’s The Virgin and Child with Saints uses nice colors, neither bright nor dull but there are many different colors in both of the paintings. I feel as though that there is much more detail in the Perugino then the Picasso using much more texture as well as detail in the people in the painting and the landscape.

    The Picasso is an up close cubism type of painting and is very distorted but that is the intention of the painter. As for the Perugino there is much detail in the painting showing fine details in the clothing the people the ground it is a very in-depth painting. Comparison Color: The Picasso has yellows, reds, blues, greens, black, purple and white. Picasso uses his colors in a pretty uneven manner he uses 3-4 colors on the face of the Weeping woman in stead of the usual black white colors of the usual person. Personally, I love the naked picture of the woman.

    The Perugino has more colors then I can really count but he didn’t use brights its more or less just regular colors but he uses the colors great to get the details of the painting out and helps you get a better feel for the painting. Some of the colors he uses are lots of blues, whites, greens, and some reds. The colors in both are very well chosen I think that the colors chosen are what really make the paintings what they have come to be “two of the best paintings made by each respective artiest. ” Lines: In the Perugino there aren’t really too many lines in this painting.

    I feel that this painting is right out front as in he doesn’t try to hide any thing some painters put hidden messages in there paintings or what they paint means something different then it really looks it doesn’t appear that this is what Perugino was going for. The Picasso on the other hand this was done when he changed his style to cubism this is when people say he “lost it”. He uses a lot of lines in this painting because he is going for the look of sorrow and being broken up so he uses a lot of lines to get the broken up and distorted.

    Look in the painting it looks like he takes the painting after it is painted and just cuts it up and moves pieces around to get what ever effect he feels like he wants in the painting. I think that Picasso love to use all shapes. I like the fact that both of them have triangles they both us them but the Picasso uses them as well as lines squares and many other shapes. The squares make the paintings so much stronger they give it a different feeling a feeling of order and balance. I think this is what draws me to these paintings in one there is so much detail and in the other there is a very good amounts of shapes.

    The one I like more out of the two has got to be by far is Picasso’s Weeping Woman. I like this painting the most out of the who is because he is my favorite painter out of all that I know I like his stuff because like I said it looks like he just paints it, and just cuts it up. I like how it looks abstract I like the odd I guess I could say. I like how he uses shapes that have no name and our out of wacko I guess that’s what I’ve always liked his work. I like his stuff more when he changed his ways and started with cubes and wacky colors as well as the Brights.

    The things that make Perugino’s The Virgin and Child with Saints one of my favorites out of the Art Book are; all the wonderful colors and the triangle that he has using the people at one big triangle pretty much taking up the whole canvas. I also like the texture and the life of the people they look really real like the eyes you can actually see them the cloths they ware you can see the texture and the folds in the cloths. The Picasso was made in 1937 it is oil on canvas and measures at H. 60. 8xw50cm. and is in the Tate Gallery, London.

    The Perugino was made in 1497 and is an oil on panel, it measures H276xw213cm. and is in Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna. When I look at a painting the first thing I look for is what types of colors and brush strokes when you can see them they are my favorite things about paintings but it is hard for you to see in the book. The second thing I go for is details for example I like the details in Perugino’s you can see all of the things in the painting you can see strands of hair the eyes the clouds look real the painting is very realistic.

    The Perugino has a group of saints and one of the saints is actually carrying forcepts that where used to remove her teeth in an attempt to get her to renounce the Christian faith. As I read in the Art Book about Picasso’s Weeping Woman it says he actually used deep strokes to show the pain and the suffering that the woman is going through. The first thing I see when I look at the Perugino is how the Virgin and the child are sort of suspended in the air on a chair or thrown of some sorts almost like a dream that the saints are having.

    The first thing I see when I look at the Picasso is the white in the middle it seems to be a tissue or something like a hank to wipe away her tears it is all distorted and I like that. Conclusion: These are the types of art that I like. I can get the most out of these. I never realized just how beautiful art is until this class I will admire and get in-depth in it and think what is this painter trying to make me see in this piece of art.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Picasso And Perugino Essay (1091 words). (2018, May 09). Retrieved from

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