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    Negative effects Dance hall Music Essay

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    Danceable music has become a symbol of explicit sexual imagery and violence. Despite the positive effects Danceable music might have on our young people, it has become more a pathway for moral degradation with our young people. Danceable is a “style of Jamaican popular music that had its genesis in the political disturbance of the late sass’s ad became Jamaican dominant music in the sass’s and ass’s”,”Jamaican danceable culture is commonly disparaged as a homophobic, homicidal, misogynist discourse that reduces both men and women to bare essentials: skeletal remain”.

    Danceable music as an art form has great influences on the youths. This can be seen where popular Danceable artist WBI Karate song the song ‘Clacks’ the brand of shoe became an instant hit. Both male and female youths wanted to be in ‘clacks’. So if these artist praise violence in their lyrics wouldn’t it be inevitable that the youths would follow,due to the huge influence they already have on them? The youths, especially males believe that being a ‘bad man’, hot skull’, and ‘charge’ are good descriptions of themselves. Alt makes them feel like they belong because it has become the norm. Isn’t there then some self esteem problems with our youths? Popular Danceable artist, Moved, coined the slang, ‘Gangster for life’ which resonated with the youths. They sought to illicit and imitate cantatas behavior. According a study done on The effects of Danceable genre on adolescent sexual and violent behavior in Jamaica: A public health concern”19% male ND 13% females demonstrated violence in schools, in their communities, and/or in their homes – 7% females and 9% males were taken to the Principals office; 3% females and 5% males suspended”.

    Len today’s society almost all of the Danceable Artists are being arrested for criminal offenses. The most recent of which is WBI Karate being charged with Murder in 2011. Despite this, however it still remains the popular music, even with adults, then why are we complaining? Negative effects Dance hall Music has on Jamaican youths.

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    Negative effects Dance hall Music Essay. (2017, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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