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    Nick s Grill Live Music Concert Essay

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    One section of the restaurant has big wooden booths and tables filling the dining area and a very large wooden bar fills p the other section of the restaurant. The restaurant has an ambient light-like feel as it is a little darker than most restaurants when going inside. The walls are scattered with random paintings as well. All these aspects of the performance setting came together to give a very similar atmosphere to the Renville Spoon; it was very relaxed and modest.

    Most people at the restaurant did not come for the performance but for food so there was not a lot of attention or anticipation drawn to the performance. The performance happened late on a Saturday night right after a fresh nonfatal. The performance setting was a clear floor section up near one of the large windows separating the restaurant section. Anyone who walks down the sidewalk past the restaurant can hear and feel the music before even passing by the window.

    The band consisted of one of my cousins on the drums, another on the bass, and my uncle on the guitar/vocals. While the music performance space was small it was still a great setting in a very relaxed atmosphere. The music performed was always a cover of more popular songs with a few thrown in personal favorites from the band members. The musical structure of these varied greatly from song to song but almost all of them were polyphonic with the exception of solo parts. The tempo and volume of the performance also varied greatly from song to song.

    I was able to pick out a few songs I knew such as Tom Piety’s Free Falling. The order of songs played was fairly random and did not fit into any sort of theme besides maybe classic rock and folk. Overall, the music structures varied greatly from cover song to cover song but most were typical with classic rock or folk songs. The communication amongst performers was generally very little. They had a set list of songs they followed to and each song would usually be cued with an audible countdown to the beginning of the song.

    After some songs they would complement each other on how well they played as well. I did get to ask them if there are any cues they use that I perhaps did not spot and they said they Just have the initial countdown cue and that’s about it. They said that they have practiced enough that it just sort of comes to them naturally after practicing for so long. Overall, there was not much communication amongst the performers as they have practiced quite a bit and he music Just “flows through them”. The audience response was very similar to the Renville Spoon.

    Most audience members would actively watch the performers before their food came out but once it did all attention was drawn to their meal. Also, most audience members would clap or whistle after every song as a show of appreciation. Sometimes in-between songs or during breaks some audience Nick s Grill Live Music Concert By Mudstone would talk about and it was Just general chit chat about how long they have been playing and where they are from. I also asked if they expect much from the audience engine as it is a restaurant setting and they said all they expect is some clapping after each song.

    Overall, there was not much audience response as it was a seated restaurant and most audience members Just came to eat some good food much like the Renville Spoon. In conclusion, my experience at Nicks grill was great escape especially right before finial’s week. I had a decently sized burger on a pretzel bun with fries and it was delicious. The service at the restaurant was top notch and the food came out pretty quick as well. I definitely plan on going again sometime over winter break after he hell known as finals week.

    The performance by my cousins and uncle was also great and I had no idea they could play so well. They played a wide variety of songs with a great range of musical style and structure. Some of those songs included some great classic rock and folk songs that they had nailed down pretty well. The audience response was on the lacking side as it was a restaurant, but there were many rounds of applause between each song played. I hope to go back again sometime in the near future and see some more live music with a great meal.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Nick s Grill Live Music Concert Essay. (2017, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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