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    The Effects of Dancehall Music on Teenagers Essay

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    Danceable Music is a popular genre of Jamaican music. It is composed of ‘iridium’, fast upbeat rhythms than the traditional reggae music. Danceable music has become a symbol of explicit sexual imagery and violence. Despite the positive effects Danceable music might have on our young people, it has become more a pathway for moral degradation with our young people. Danceable lyrics are found to be crude as it promotes sexual behaviors, sexual imagery and violence. It is expected that the youth of society are going to follow the message that is being portrayed in these ones, as some of these artists are role models According to C.

    J. Cooper, in July 2000 “Jamaican danceable culture is commonly disparaged as a homophobic, homicidal, misogynist discourse that reduces both men and women to bare essentials: skeletal remain”. Most of the danceable lyrics that promote violence impacts our youth of Jamaica as the lyrics makes it seem as though it is acceptable to Just kill or hurt anyone without showing any remorse. Some of our danceable artistes are even committing crimes themselves. An example of this can be seen in a song by popular nacelle artist Web Karate- Broad daylight. Mi murder people Nina broad daylight, six pants mi walk walk wide cause did AK light” According a study done on The effects of Danceable genre on adolescent sexual and violent behavior in Jamaica: A public health concern “19% male and 13% females demonstrated violence in schools, in their communities, and/or in their homes – 7% females and 9% males were taken to the Principals office; 3% females and 5% males suspended”. Sexual behavior in public and Promiscuity are also rising factors in the

    Jamaican society among our youths as it has contributed to increasing level of Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Transmitted Diseases. Danceable also has influence on this as it promotes sexual immoral acts. An example of this can be seen in a song by popular danceable artist Lady Saw- Stab out the meat. “Mi hear you can grind good and you can buck sweet Stab out mi meat, stab out mi meat” violent behavior in Jamaica: A public health concern by A. D. Crawford, 2010 ‘Of the 100 respondents, 52% males and 58% females claimed to be sexually active’ In a duty also done by Crawford 2010″out of 238 cases of 9-17 year olds, 10. % male and 3. 4% female were sexually influenced by danceable genre. 42% respondents (18. 5% male, 23. 5% female) contracted Sits/Hal” In article written by E. Tyson entitled ‘Slackness and more slackness’ published April 6, 2008, it the fact that parents and guardians introduce their children to the danceable lifestyle ruining their innocence. “There are parents who are indulging in this danceable lifestyle and who, therefore, cannot guide their children to lead moral, self-disciplined lives.

    The children and the parents are now both indulging in the danceable slackness. We see the effect of this in our schools. We see it when little children are taken to Pass Pass and adults delight in watching them wining and grinding their undeveloped hips in imitation of their slackness. Before these children can begin to know what innocence is, they have lost it. Their innocence has been aborted. This exposure to unbridled slackness from the effect of danceable music on teenagers By Concealable warped from the beginning.

    They will now believe that this slack and loose behavior is the norm. ” In an interview conducted by E. Tyson in the article entitled ‘Slackness and more slackness’ published April 6, 2008 with teenagers about the effects of danceable music the responses were as follows. “It makes me break out of my little shell. I am an innocent girl and danceable music breaks that barrier. ” “It makes you feel all gangsters and cool. And the music teaches you how to dress. ” “The lyrics are influential. They tell you to walk round’, smoke weed and buss gun.

    Many people, children in particular, look up to some of the artistes who feature these lyrics in their songs and they actually do some of these things because they feel that if their favorite artiste is doing it and they are ‘hip’ and admired, then why not do it too. Hence, danceable music is influential, not only to me, but to the wider society. ” “l have stopped listening to danceable music now and that’s good because it had such a negative influence on me. At one point, I found myself acting in the way that the songs portray a ‘hot girl’ should be. “

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    The Effects of Dancehall Music on Teenagers Essay. (2017, Dec 09). Retrieved from

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