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    My Personal and Professional Goals

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    Every single person has their own dream either in personal or professional goal. Therefore, we need to set up our goal or objective to make sure our life becomes a series of chaotic happening we can control it. Regarding on Elbert Hubbard state that “Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they never organized their energies around a goal.” Therefore, to plan our goal we need this acronym SMART which is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely for easily to achieve our goal.

    My first personal goal for short-term is I determine to speak German language learn, watch and listen on YouTube and also attend bilingual language class before I finish my degree studies on 2020. I truly believe that I can attain my goal if I connect with a native speaker by trying to find a friend who can speaks the German language to learn and help me to practice and also carrying electronic dictionary where fulfill the random moments throughout the day such as waiting in line at the grocery store, when on a break time of the class or sitting in public transport before arrive the destination. In order to accomplish my goal, I will make sure to memorize five words of German verb in one week and hammer it into my brain over and over again until I remember it. Other than that, I also need to attend bilingual language class even though I need to spent my money to join that class. I determine to achieve my goal because I want to be multi-language person and benefit for me either to travel or in business matter.

    Besides that, for my medium-term personal goal is I want to travel with my family at Turkey which is dazzling destination that straddles Asian and Europe before 2025. I know I accomplish my goal if I smart to manage my budget by devote 50% of my income to necessities, 30% to wants and 20% to saving. Therefore, I must have steps to guide me how to save my money where it can help me to develop a simple and realistic plan for my goal. Firstly, I must figure out how much that I spend for my groceries, electric bill and house rental. Next, I will make sure my saving that I already a part to travel has been transfer every month into my CIMB Bank account. The last step is I must always review my budget and check the saving grow to inspire me to save more money and hit me to achieve my goal. I want to achieve this goal because I want to fulfill my promise to my parent and Turkey is suitable country to get delicious and halal food easily. Furthermore, Turkey renowned which full of beautiful building by having fantastic of Topkapi Palace, city of colossal monuments and marble-columned roads.

    Other than that, to achieve my long-term personal goals it need require time and a huge planning. Hence for my long-term personal goal that I want to achieve is I want to build my own house near with my parent’s house at Sabak Bernam, Selangor before 2035. I know I can achieve my goal if I work hard and make a saving starting with my first salary. I will make sure before I consider to build my house, I will take some basic step to clean up my finances either unpaid bills, taxes or any debt, then work toward paying them off. I want to achieve my goal because I want to spent the rest of my life with my parent and make them proud on me by build my own house using my own money that I earn by working hard.

    After that, I will tell you about my professional goals. My first professional goal in short-term is I want to be a successful accountant at accounting firm after finish my Bachelor Art of Finance and Accounting with Collaboration with Dublin Business School at Kolej Poly-Tech MARA Bangi in 2022. I believe I can achieve my goal if I focus 100% in class and understand the concept. Then teach someone else to express the information in my own words to make sure that I really understand. Thus, I will make sure I will pay attention when lecturer is talking, try sit in front and raise my hand if there have a question that I really do not understand or ask some information that I interest to know more about it. In this situation, I can perform well in my final exam. I want to achieve this goal because I want to have a better life in future by get paid well. Moreover, employment rates for accountant is stable even during difficult economic conditions.

    My second professional goal is my professional medium-term goal which is it took 2 years to achieve it. I want to be an excellent account’s teacher at secondary school on 2025. I know I can obtain my goal if I finished my Diploma Pendidikan within has been work as accountant at any accounting or audit firm to gain the experience. I will make sure I can finish my Diploma Pendidikan within a year only at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia located at Bangi. Besides that, I will attend at least 4 educational faculty development lectures to improve my teaching skill. I want to achieve this goal because I want to born the professional and innovation next generation to development our modernization country.

    Last but not least, my long-term professional goal is I want to be an effective chef at my own cafe after I being a successful accounting teacher on 2027. I notice that I can achieve my goal if I quite enough save my own money to open my dream café decorate by my own design and also master on cooking by present a wonderful aroma and presentation that will inspire customer to enjoy their meal. Then, I will make sure that I can create and improve my cooking skill and take a personal class until I satisfied with achievement that I gain. Other than that, to be a good person as chef, I would like to share my amazing recipe that I create by my own self in my blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I want to achieve this goal because whether I cook for my family, friends, customer or just for myself, I feel good and happy when people enjoy my food that I prepared. On the other word, cooking is the way to express my love especially to my family in an edible manner.

    In the nutshell, if I want to succeed my dream, I need to set goals. It is because when I already set the goal, it not just only allows it to take control of my life’s direction but also provide a benchmark for determining whether actually succeeding. Furthermore, set goals will motivate me since it will help to increase my confidence level to me by ability to make the goal happen. Based on Bill Copeland state that, “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” Thus, I need to take an action by plan and focus what I want to achieve in my life either personal or professional goal.

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    My Personal and Professional Goals. (2021, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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