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    Music Appreciation: Medieval and Renaissance

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    The Middle ages
    dark ages
    most important musicians in the middle ages
    Monks in monasteries
    Who had a monopoly on learning in the middle ages
    Hildegard of Bingen
    Most important woman composer of the middle ages
    Gregorian Chant
    Monophonic melody
    Church modes
    ike the major and minor scales in that they consist of seven tones and an eighth tone that duplicates the first an octave higher
    Ordo virtutum
    A dramatic play written by Hildegard Voni Bingen. About the devil fighting for souls
    Trouvere songs dealt with the following themes_______________
    troubadour and trouvere’s lacked in
    wandering minstrels, performed music and acrobates in castles,taverns,and towns
    Medieval instrumental dance that features a series of sections, each played twice with two different endings, Ouvert and Clos.
    monks in monastery choirs began to add a second melodic line to Gregorian chant
    What was the beginning of polyphony (during 700-900)
    Earliest kind of polyphonic music, which developed from the custom of adding voices above a plainchant; they first ran parallel to it at the interval of a fifth or fourth and later moved more freely
    Center of polyphonic music after 1150
    Leonin and Perotin
    earliest composer of measured rhythm
    Difference between ARS NOVA and older music
    a new system of notation permitted composers to specify almost any rhythmic pattern
    Francesco Landini
    Great composer of ARS NOVA
    Parts of mass
    Kyrie,Gloria,Credo,Sanctus,and Agnus Dei
    Cantus firmus
    A chant that is used as the basis for polyphony is
    The Renaissance
    A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements
    – More than one line or melody produced simultaneously.
    Council of trent
    Called by Pope Paul III to reform the church and secure reconciliation with the Protestants. Lutherans and Calvinists did not attend.
    A cappella
    Without musical accompaniment
    renaissance madrigal
    a piece for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love. It uses word painting and unusual harmonies.
    word painting
    Musical illustrations of verbal concepts
    most instrumental music in the Renaissance was made for
    A set of dances, generally referred to as simply a suite
    (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
    Requiem Mass
    Roman Catholic Mass for the Dead
    A composition written systematically in imitative polyphony, usually with a single main theme, the fugue subject
    Creator of chant
    What did Pope Gregory do for chant
    age of curiosity and individualism
    leading music center in 16th century Europe
    Renaissance motet
    a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass
    Palestrina spent most of his career in
    madrigal began in
    Queen Elizabeth I
    Triumphes and Oriana were written in honor of
    plucked string instrument with a body shaped like half a pear
    St. Marks Cathedral
    focal point of music in venice was
    Purpose of instrumental music during religious services in the Middle Ages
    Feast Days and Special Events
    Second Vatican Statement on Latin
    Allowed churches to hold mass in their native language
    The Notre Dame mass was unique because
    It is the first polyphonic treatment of a mass ordinary by a known composer
    Educated persons in the Renaissance where expected to
    be trained in music
    The Renaissance may be described as an age of
    curiosity and individualism
    Venetian choral music of the last sixteenth century contained parts written exclusively for instruments

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    Music Appreciation: Medieval and Renaissance. (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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