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    Motivation is One of The Aspects of a Highly Paid Job

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    The debate goes on about one is better, a job that pays or a job that you love. Some people argue that the two aspects affect the quality of work and services provided by the employee. Generally, one’s attitude and passion determine the output given out by the employer. Some people opt for the work that they love citing their own reasons for preferences while others too opt for well-paying jobs. Both have the pros and cons.

    To commence with, motivation is one of the advantageous sides of well-paying job. People who have well paying jobs become more motivated and have the morale to work hard every day. The self-motivation that also comes from the amount of salary received by an individual from his or her job. It also encourages innovation and creativity among workers. This improves productivity and thus leading to quality work being delivered.

    More so, Well- paying jobs earns one respect and in the society in general. This earns them respect in the society with regard to the high position or rank that one holds in the organization that he or she is working for. The respect earned enables individual to serve the society diligently without bias. Its also believed that hard earned money commands respect from friends, family and society at large.

    On the other side, paying jobs usually experience a delay in commencing of one’s carrier. For an individual to secure a well- paying job one has to meet various qualifications by undertaking various courses and sitting for very competitive examinations in order to achieve the required qualifications for a well- paying job.

    Secondly, well -paying jobs are associated with compiled work pressure. Well paying jobs are directly linked to high work pressure. Individuals are expected to abide by what the organization wants of them, in situations like this the job might contain merciless work pressure characterised by untimely assignments and very tight deadlines to be met.

    On the other hand, a job that one loves tends to improves one’s confidence. Doing what one loves reduces frustration and unhappiness that could arouse from doing what one doesn’t love. A job that one loves improves one’s happiness, joy and confidence towards the job. In addition, it builds self- motivation. Doing what one is passionate about builds up an individual’s morale towards the job. Self -motivation will enable one be more productive compared to someone doing a job that he or she does not love

    However, it also leads to submission of quality work. Person doing job that he or she loves will be more committed and shows a lot f interest in what one is doing. People doing what they love are usually self- motivated this leads to submission of quality work, Consequently, job that one loves affects other aspects of life. One stops growing as a person and will be ignoring many other aspects of life upon find much joy in what he or she is doing.

    To summarize, it’s clear that those doing jobs that they love not only submit quality work but also end up living contented and happily while those holding well paying jobs earn respect in the society, get mind satisfaction and are motivated even though both the two have their own demerits. Basing on this, while choosing carrier it will be wise if one follows his or her heart.

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    Motivation is One of The Aspects of a Highly Paid Job. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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