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    Minds Are Open Only When Hearts Are Open Essay Summary

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    Principals of two schools from Pakistan visited your school as part of a cultural exchange programmer. Students of the school put up a cultural show in their honor Write a report about it for your school magazine, (100125 words) 4. You are Rural the Head Boy of G. D. Public School, Delhi. Recently your school hosted the Regional Level CBS Science Exhibition. Write a report of this event for your school newsletter in about 125 words. 5. As you were driving back home from work you were witness to an accident between a Marti car and a truck.

    The driver of the car was seriously injured. There was confusion and chaos prevailing on the road. Describe the scene in about 100 to 125 words. You are Sesame/ Squamish. LETTER 6. You are Nearest/ Nett. Recently, you came across a newspaper report on the burning Of a young woman as her parents could not meet the dowry demands. You feel that even after 64 years of independence we have not really progressed as a nation. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressing your views and also giving suggestions to improve the status of women in Indian society. ARTICLE 7.

    India is a country with diverse cultures, traditions, religious and political beliefs. To keep such a country together, to bind the people and take the nation ahead on the path of regress, democracy is the most suitable form of government, write an article in about 150000 words. You are Sashay/ Ash, a class XII student at Rosary Senior Secondary School, Locknut. 8. Computer games and video games have become popular with children today. As a result games seem to have no place in their life anymore, You are Cattish/Isaiah write an article on the joys of playing outdoor games for the school magazine.

    Write the article in 150-200 words. CLASS- XII hints (Come and watch the play ‘Miser Enjoy his miserly Ways stop being a miser—–donate generously—-d/TTL/ directed by?members of our theatre club? nations for– Earthquake Victims—lusted by name, president, school Theatre club) (matter Of pride—name Of the teachers and the schools —received by the principal (name) senior students?brilliant guard of honor to visiting dignitaries ?escorted to school auditorium?floral welcome.. Ironical hoped visit inspire students to work for peace and harmony b/w and P. Prop began with -Suffix songs?followed by folk dance from provinces Of and P. Highlight Quail by Primary Students. End choir sung with fervor of brotherhood and secularism. Both the principals applauded the performance… Appreciated the reception received during the stay. Congratulated principal for organizing a week devoted exclusively to P and called for increase in frequency of such cross- cultural exchanged to reduce the animosity b/w the 2 countries. ( db days—- 60 schools of our region participated?included government and public schools- Chief Stepmother distinguished guests—Chief guest on opening ceremony congratulated the participants who had put up a grand show in the form of working models, presentations and charts. Some exhibits on ‘Ease our planet Save life’ were highly appreciated. Working models on “Global Warming” caught the attention Of the viewers and was ranked NO. I, this was the privilege Of Aromas School, Puss road.

    Model on ‘depletion of Ozone layer was very well demonstrated by -student of our school… Some of the works were highly innovative and showed the scientific spirit of students 3 say ended with powerful speech by principal … Appreciated quality of the exhibits displayed by various schools. Vice principal gave vote of thanks, praised the high sense of responsibility shown by students by holding their duties and working hard to make this exhibition a great success. )

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Minds Are Open Only When Hearts Are Open Essay Summary. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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