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    Michigans Natural Disasters Essay

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    Disasters, What you Need to Know About ThemEvery day there are natural disasters all the time occurring all around the world.

    They are something that we can’t help, but we can be aware of them and what to do if one occurs near you. Tornadoes are common during Michigan’s Spring months. They are usually smaller than other places, but they still can do lots of damage. The safest thing to do is to go to the lowest level of the building that you are in. If there is no basement, get shelter in the center of the building away from any windows such as a broom closet. This will also apply for major thunderstorms that can produce large hail, strong wind, and lots of lightening.

    Wildfires are common in Northern Michigan, but they usually only occur in forests. They are very destructive and there is one major way to stop them. The best way to stop a wildfire is to make sure that you keep long dead grass and bushes gone, so the fire will not spread. They are usually very small in Michigan, but some of the major wildfires are located in California.

    Earthquakes are occurring everywhere. Most earthquakes are so small that you can’t feel them. In case of a large earthquake the safest thing to do is to get under a door frame or a sturdy table and if you are in the city don’t go outside. You have the risk of getting hit by a falling power line. Many major earthquakes occur in the West Coast, but some small ones can be felt almost everywhere every 10-20 years. Michigan has nothing to worry about when it comes to earthquakes.

    Hurricanes are very powerful. In some cases, the only way to be safe from large hurricanes is to leave during a hurricane warning. The powerful ones sometimes can destroy almost anything, but really weak ones are safe for people in their homes. Make sure you pay attention to a local television station or radio station to see how bad it will be. Michigan has a few very very small earthquakes every once and a while, and a few tornadoes in the spring and summer, and even some wildfires, but Michigan is a much safer place to live rather than other states, because if it does have natural disasters, they are very rare, and even very weak.


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    Michigans Natural Disasters Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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