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    Many people throughout history have risen to power Essay

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    and made their presence known to their people. Some have led their people to greatness, and others have led their people to ruthless dictatorship. They have their choice to use their power and persuasion for good or bad. Any person that exercises power, as in control or domination is an important and influential person, and can be held accountable for all the good and bad that has come of their world.

    The world, filled with many people of power, has some contemporaries that stand out such as Korn. When Korn came out with their third album, they wanted it to set a standard; ” ‘That’s why we called this record Follow the Leader’ ” (Gill p36). Korn used “Follow the Leader” to show other bands that they are on top and that they have the power. With a name like that, many bands did follow their leader. Jonathan Davis stated, “This one is gonna set the standards” (Secher p46). Korn wants to set a standard for all of the young bands to try and reach.Many bands follow in Korn’s footsteps but cannot reach that standard. When making this album, Korn Decided to use many different methods. ” Instead of sticking with the tried-and-true formula that got them where they were, they decided to make several significant changes in an effort to propel themselves to the next level” (Gill p35). Korn maybe on top of their industry, but still want to achieve a higher level. Korn always looks for a way to gain more power by doing what they love. They do what they love and has come out on top as more powerful than any other name in their music industry.

    Many of the world’s people of power are now deceased. One of those great historical powers was Jesus Christ. In the beginning Jesus was known to be great; ” ‘He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest’ ” (Luke 1:32). Jesus, the Son of God, finds his place among the heavens. Because of his birthright, Jesus has a great power. Many thought Jesus to be the Messiah and ” ‘the world through Him might be saved’ ” (John 3:17). After some time people knew ” ‘that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world’ ” (John 4:42). All of God’s children know that Jesus will save them all. He is the Son of God and the Savior of all mankind. Jesus was sent to earth by the Father to save all men from their sins. Now today some will state, “There was no such person in the history of the World as Jesus Christ” (Simon p70). Many people of the world believe and follow Christ. They believe he is the greatest power and that this power will never be touched. It has been said that many people have been a great power in this world, but none quite like the son of our Father, Jesus Christ.

    Many writers have written of a fictitious power; one that comes to mind is the pigs of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. After the animals take over the farm, the pigs begin their abuse of power by saying, “Milk and apples (this has been proven by Science comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers” (Orwell p42). Here the pigs begin to dictate the events of the farm. In a sense they have moved their chess piece a little closer to “check mate”. Napoleon, the head of the pigs, started to single himself out from the other animals; “It was also more suited to the dignity of the Leader (for of late he had taken to speaking of Napoleon under the title of “Leader”) to live in a house than in a mere sty” (Orwell p69). Napoleon thought of himself as better than all of the others. He thought that he was smarter and more privileged than the rest. In the end, a sign hung that read, “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” (Orwell p123). Finally, the pigs made themselves better than the other animals by using propaganda to lure the animals into a trap and catch them. The pigs showed they are smart enough to abuse their power of intelligence and come out on top of the Animal Farm.

    Some leaders chose to abuse and use their power to hurt or help their people. The three power discussed have distinct qualities about them that make them unique from each other. All leader and people of power are extraordinary but some use their power for the welfare of society, and their people realize what they do is for the good of the people.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Many people throughout history have risen to power Essay. (2019, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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