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    Lung Cancer: Will I Survive (1148 words)

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    A reason why lung cancer is dangerous is that it is hard to find in its too soon stages. It probably take years for the lung cancer to grow and there mainly are no symptoms early on. The time about start to notice symptoms, the cancer often has spread to other parts of the body For lung cancer in particular, just for treatment involves one or more of the following options, alone or in combination: chemotherapy can cost fifthy thousand or more , which can cost $10,000 -$200,000 or more; radiation therapy, Also can cost up to $10,000-$50,000 or more or drug therapy. I’m sure it will all be worth it to beat this strong disease that can hardly get away. A cancer medicine reccomends causes Instant Life changes. Shroud under of a diagnosis, patients’ outlook on life may change for the better . They decide what the future will be, and ask themselves: what if it never goes away get cured. Scary question I’m sure. Well, around the world millions of patients , people have been working on answers such as solutions. Since the 2000, America’s bio- Discovery companies have invested in more than billion’s dollars researching and planning new medicines.In the year 2018 which was last year alone, The investment totaled more than $51 billion – way more than any other industry in the world, mainly including research – reliant businesses like computers and electronics The return on this investment has been profound for patients and society.

    Health involves has helped raise average U.S. life expectation from 47 years in nineteen hundreds to 78 years more soon to learn about it, be a leader by advantages against heartdisease, such as HIV and cancer. This New medicines for cancer have helped cut the overall cancer death rate in the U.S. by Every since 1991, 20 percent of peaks . the begining of “war on cancer” since the 1970s, they survived 5 years an there has been 21 percent for breast cancer, also 50% percent for prostate cancer, colon cancer 36% and for lung cancer 54% really is most deadly. 58% percent has went up for survival rate for cancer in childhoods.

    The cost about medicine treatment and things are alot Why are they such a high price? ( Dr. Bernard )

    A simple analogy may help answer this question. Today, two-thirds of all Americans have smartphones. More than a billion iPhones and Androids have been sold globally, and, generally, they function the same way for each of us. When they really cost the same. But that person you see at work, at school or in an airport halfway around the world might have had skin cancer. Your neighbor might be a breast cancer survivor.

    And that student waiting for a bus’she might be recovering from leukemia. And while each of them might have the same smartphone in their pocket, and each of them might have paid the same amount for it, none of them had the same cancer. And every individual’s body functions differently, so none of them could have taken the same medicine. Each person got a medicine made specifically for their cancer. And it took biomedical researchers, oncologists, government, academic experts and others to help determine exactly which medicine would work best for each of them. There’s no question it costs a lot to create smartphones for a billion people.

    One reason why lung cancer is so deadly is that it is hard to find in its early stages. It may take years for the lung cancer to grow and there usually are no symptoms early on. By the time you start to notice symptoms, the cancer often has spread to other parts of the body. (Mr. Smith 122)

    Breast is a dangerous part of cancer you can also treat If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, your treatment optional will be discuss with your cancer team. You have to think carefully about your choices. Analyze the benefits of each treatment option look at the side affect and possible risks. Local treatment is surgery and radiation. HER2, is a protein hormone therapy with the Systemic treatment is chemotherapy combination of things. The two choices For surgery for women is between these 2 options: Mastectomy – to remove the whole breast during surgery. If The stage is early it can be cured . … However, it seems like you are in a really early stage of the disease and you will be able to have an extremely good chance of being cured. Ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS), means cancerous cells have started to grow within one of the milk-ducts of your breast. (Dr. Bernard )

    This women experienced with Cancer really dramatic which I can’t relate too but, it’s seem suspenseful A clinical trial will determine will this at a Florida clinic has reportedly proven to be a success at removing cancer cells will benefit this curing cancer.

    Hugh jackman find another skin cancer treatment for his disease. Hugh jackman’s Defense against skin cancer remains as the actor posted his recent update Monday about sunscreen. With a bandage over his nose I’m not sure why but, The movie actor star checked in with his fans on social media such as facebook, twitter and instagram to show that he’s undergoing treatment for basal cell carcinoma, again, it’s the most common form of skin cancer, but rarely fatal.

    Patients for breast cancer are in the trial at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville were given a vaccine that helps fight body cancer cells, Alot Science people ask how stress will affect breast cancer

    Over Two months , the updated vaccine makes a patient’s own immune system so that cells can defend the cancer. Not Like the other vaccines, this particular version of vaccine is made to be use easily, based off the information on the report. “Just off the shelf they said Quote, kind of similar to when you get the pneumonia shot or Flu shot ,” Dr. Saranya Chumsri Quote. For participant Lee Mercker, a patient diagnosed with DCIS step stage 0 Zero cancer, the vaccine was a success. Well this seems, Mercker still underwent a mastectomy to make sure all the cancer was removed.

    “Your blood was always took, you had a physical, they’d make your shot right there on the spot for you,” said participant Lee Mercker. “Three shots in a row going straight through your arm four shots basically, two week apart.” Mainly the most scared and dreaded diseases.,. WorldWide, the second leading cause of death as per the world health organization cancer is responsible for the death of nearly 9.5 million people in 2018. It is . As per studies, in India, we see 1300 deaths due to cancer every day. These statistics are truly astonishing and scary. In the recent few decades, the number of cancer has been increasingly on the rise. So let us take a look at the meaning, causes, and types of cancer in this essay on cancer.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Lung Cancer: Will I Survive (1148 words). (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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