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    Los Angeles Politics Essay (415 words)

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    The site for new Belmont still hasn’t been found. The School district has beenfumbling with two proposed alternatives by interim superintendent Ruben Cortinesand CEO Howard Miller respectively suggest using high-rise office suites andopen 4 new schools quickly. These alternatives have been met with mixed emotionfrom both sides of the battle.

    Those for the Belmont project to continue are infavor of using the former ambassador hotel in the mid-Wiltshire district,because 10 years ago the school board had chosen this site for the high schoolbut was met by Donald Trump’s Legal Team. Upon reclaiming the site afterforeclosure the negotiations with such prominent figures such as Magic Johnsonwho owns many Cinemas in the area to combine his movie complex with a middleschool. The conservancy group is expected to block the demolishing of the hotelclaiming it is a historical site citing that it is the place of the KennedyAssignation and many Oscar nights. School Board Member Caprice Young wantsJohnson and the conversancy to look at the need of the children.

    I personallydon’t think that children no matter how appealing would in long run want thedistraction of a movie theatre ruining their education. The reason many peoplehave so many differing opinions is because if we were just another state thiswouldn’t be an issue but a time for action. A time to step forward and take theblame for being to focused on keeping appearances that we abused our children. “It’s time they started thinking about kids”, Young said. The city isthe movie Mecca of the world and has a lot of land at it’s disposal but becauseit wants to make the place a visitor attracting place doesn’t want to sacrificea hotel to fit the needs. I think this plain wrong on the part of the schoolboard.

    I remember reading about how the state can take over a site because itwas to be made use for a federal project such as highway which many people useto go to and from work. If we don’t see the value of an education than it istrue what other states do say about us, that we are more into our looks that todo what is right. The Hollywood facade of this city has been around much to longand is due to change and no physically but mentally. A face lift of this sortwould cause a rift in our society but if there noone to stand up for the rightsof the children then those buildings that the conservancy wants to keep ashistoric landmarks would be all for not.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Los Angeles Politics Essay (415 words). (2019, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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