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    Journey To America Essay (614 words)

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    Journey to America written by Sonia Levitin, is the one of the greatest booksthat was ever published. The book showed the how a family could survive in toughtimes, and yet survive to live great.

    The book is well written, well thought ofand well done. The book is great to read and great to tell about, that whyyou’re hearing it right now. Now listen now and think about reading itlater. .

    . The book started in Germany where the Platt family was living andstaring their quest out of the hellhole. During the starting it explains thatthe family tried to live in Brazil but didn’t succeed so they returned back toGermany. About after that is where the book starts, and the family decides thatthe location is America and their new home.

    First their father ” papa”leaves to America and advises that he will send for them. After about 4 daysthey receive a letter that he is ok. Then about after 2 weeks, he sends a letterthat he got a job as a janitor, and tells them that the next letter is to leaveGermany. Then after a week and a half, he sends instructions on their way toZurich.

    Then the family leaves leaving their family behind. They get there andget the room where Papa said to stay, and there were a letter that explained howto get to America. Also telling them that a letter will come to go to the nextpoint of the plan. Then they head to France, then Catch a boat and reach Americawhere their father is waiting.

    The book was ravishing with important events, butthere were 3. It was when their Papa leaves, when they leave Germany, and whenthey get to America. Though the ending was so predictable, it was that they getto America, and they finally see their father. The Main Character Lisa waschanged a little bit because that she left her home and family/friends. Basically she left everything, and the reason was just to survive.

    Other peopleand other events changed the main character by Ruth telling her not to be honestjust not to leave the camp to survive longer. Also by Mama teaching them thatthey have tot live poor but live. Lisa, during these times had to completelychange. Lisa’s traits are Caring, Loving, truthful, and strong (mentally).

    TheBook had a unique place and time which was Germany during World War 1 becausethey were in Hitler’s wrath. The setting of the Book made the book moreexciting by the Nazis hating the Jews, and making life for the Jews extremelyharsh. The setting made the Platt’s flee Germany, and go to America where lifewould be more applicable. I think that the setting had a perfect role in thestory because it was a survival book, where the family left to survive.

    Ibelieve when Sonia Levitin wrote this book she intended that the theme of thebook was survival. Survival was the theme of the book because it focussed on howthe Platt’s left Germany just to survive. The time was World War 1 and Jewswere hated and the Platt’s were Jews so the let to the land of the free. Thebook showed the reader how it was like to be a Jew in that time and place. Ibelieve it must have been horrible for them how they had to leave everything,and start over.

    Other themes expressed by the Author was kindness and couragebecause they’re were people that total didn’t know them yet helped them,also how the Platt’s started over. This is the good part in which you’redone hearing about the book so you know now that it’s a good book. Now youeither have 2 choices either I keep on talking or you go and read the book. Readthe book its good for you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Journey To America Essay (614 words). (2018, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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