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    Humanities Reaction Paper (Paintings-Msuiit Charter Day) Essay

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    But, upon observing the painting, I realized that it as more than the variety of colors that the painting is trying to convey. The artist was not there for me to ask him What the interpretation Of his work really is. But as assessed the painting, in my own observation, the painting is all about PEACE. At first glance, did not notice that this painting is actually divided into three divisions. The main part is where we can see a crab and a shrimp with a background various curls and colors to serve as the water where they swim.

    And I believe that the painting is really about the peace in Mindanao because of he pattern of colors which is commonly known as trademark in Allan, And with further research about the crab and shrimp for better interpretation of this work of art, have known that these two creatures are enemies. So I think. The artist is trying to show indirectly a peaceful relationship through those creatures. And then there is the other division which can be found at the upper-right part of the painting. As have observed it, it shows unity among the people in a community with different culture and beliefs.

    I can say that by the look of the clothes they are wearing. The one is in a long sleeves top while the other one is wearing clothes like of those ethnic people. Amidst the different culture and beliefs, the artist is trying to send a message that there should be peace and unity among the people to attain success and happy living in a community. The next division Of the painting that most captured my sensitivity is the one found at the upper-left part of the art. There is a church and a mosque, two doves and two coconut trees. As we can observe it, those three sets are put by the artist side by side. The two doves flying together side by side.

    The two coconuts growing together side by side. And the artist is trying to suggest that if those creatures can be together peacefully, why can’t we people with different religions? Every religion deserves respect and understanding from other sectors with different beliefs. And if we respect each ones religion and belief, there will be peace and unity among us. As a personal insight, it is time for us to do our part in establishing peace especially here in Mindanao. It is not only the war or the conflicts in those remotes areas that need attention, but as individuals, we can intricate something for a peaceful living.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Humanities Reaction Paper (Paintings-Msuiit Charter Day) Essay. (2018, Jun 14). Retrieved from

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