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    Harlem Renaissance Summary Essay Paper

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    The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that occurred in the asses and asses. At that point in time, it was known as the “New Negro Movement”, named after the 1925 anthology by Lain Locke. Though it was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, many Fricasseeing black writers from African and Caribbean colonies that lived in Paris were also influenced by the Harlem Renaissance. Historians disagree as to when the Harlem Renaissance began and ended.

    The Harlem Renaissance is unofficially recognized to have spanned from about 1919 until the early or mid asses. Many of its ideas lived on much longer. Development of African-American community in Harlem During the early portion of the 20th Century, Harlem became home to a growing “Negro” middle class. The district had originally been developed in the 19th Century as an exclusive suburb for the white middle and upper middle classes; its affluent beginnings led to the development of stately houses, grand avenues, and world class amenities such as the Polo Grounds and the Harlem Opera House.

    During the enormous influx of European immigrants in the late nineteenth century, the district was abandoned by the white middle-class. Harlem became an African-American neighborhood in the early asses. Impact The Harlem Renaissance was so successful that it brought the Black experience clearly within the centre of American cultural history. The Harlem Renaissance redefined how America, and the world, viewed the African-American population.

    The gyration of southern Blacks to the north changed the image of the African-American from rural, undereducated peasants to one of urban, cosmopolitan sophistication. This new identity led to a greater social consciousness. The progress, both symbolic and real during this period, became a point of reference from which the African- American community gained a spirit of self-determination that provided a growing sense of both Black urbanity and Black militancy as well as a foundation for the community to build upon for the Civil Rights struggles in the asses and asses.

    The urban setting of rapidly developing Harlem provided a venue for African-Americans of all backgrounds to appreciate the variety of Black life and culture. Through this expression, the Harlem Renaissance encouraged the new appreciation of folk roots and culture. For instance, folk materials and spirituals provided a rich source for the artistic and intellectual imagination and it freed the Blacks from the establishment of past condition. One of the major representatives of this renaissance is Longboats Hughes, a novelist and writer.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Harlem Renaissance Summary Essay Paper. (2017, Oct 03). Retrieved from

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