Words: 605 (3 pages)
Five years ago, I graduated from high school. I felt like I was finally free of the rules that parents enforced while I was in school. Example of my parents rules are no playing till after homework is done and curfew on school nights. After all, I just finished twelve years of school and deserved…
Words: 742 (3 pages)
Introduction. Job searching has been the major concern for graduating college students in Hong Kong. Especially at this time, while most Asian countries are economically unstable, retrenchment is very common. Most jobs are saved for workers who have more working experience or who have worked for that company for a long time. Jobs are not…
Words: 574 (3 pages)
Graduation is a very significant event in an individual’s life. It is the official entrance into adult hood. Some choose to enter the work force, while others choose to continue their education at a post secondary institution. I chose to continue my education at university. I’m currently in year 2; therefore I experienced this rite…
Words: 637 (3 pages)
This past semester and school year I volunteered at the Central Florida Leadership Academy. This is a charter school about 20 minutes away towards down town Orlando. The school contained both middle school and high school students. I chose to complete my service with a high school math teacher because that is what I plan…
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First Person
Words: 744 (3 pages)
Life as it seems, has gone by far too quickly. Whilst my comrades lay dead in the blood-drenched mud with no dying regrets, I lay on this cot shivering under the covers, shielding myself from the relentless cold. Ashamedly, as I settle in warm comfort, my thoughts begin to ponder the worthiness of our cause….
Words: 771 (4 pages)
At the very beginning, I would emphasize that I am living and working in HoChiMinh City, Vietnam where business growth has been increasing day-by-day. It is expected that in a near future the business environments in this area will follow the steps of developed countries and therefore the management must possess internationally broad views and…
Words: 830 (4 pages)
As a woman who has always had a dream of becoming great, I take pride in knowing that I’ve accomplished part of what I set out to accomplish. I often hear phrases such as, “You’re crazy to keep going back to school,” and “Who does that?” Now, I am on a higher playing field, though…
Words: 720 (3 pages)
My primary motivation for pursuing an MBA is to utilize the education to develop broad business skills that are not limited to one particular industry. XXXX’s program would enable me to do exactly that due its unique 6-week term structure. I found XXXX MBA’s flexibility and choice of courses to be refreshing and greatly tailored…
Words: 772 (4 pages)
China is facing an unprecedented challenge as its people struggle with a myriad of social problems arising from the incredible economic growth in the past decade. I aspire to meet the challenge and effect positive social changes by leveraging my bi-cultural background, business experience and passion for philanthropy. Unlike more developed countries where the combination…
Words: 610 (3 pages)
There is a vast amount of issues within the team of MBA’s which inhibit them from working proficiently. They exhibit all of the five dysfunctions of a team, with the biggest issues stemming from trust, commitment and accountability. The first problem exhibited is when Onyealisi arrives and Delery is surprised to see him there. Onyealisi…
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