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    The Lasting Memories of a Graduation Gone by a Very Significant Event in an Individual’s Life

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    Graduation is a very significant event in an individual’s life. It is the official entrance into adult hood. Some choose to enter the work force, while others choose to continue their education at a post secondary institution. I chose to continue my education at university. I’m currently in year 2; therefore I experienced this rite of passage just a year ago. It was a very exciting yet terrifying experience.

    Introspecting back, I remember having so many moments where I just didn’t think I would survive, that I would make it through. But through all the chaos, and all the fun memories I made, I think it was a very valuable experience. One with definitely no regrets. For most like myself, I graduated high school at the age of 18, which in terms of society meant I was an adult. However, that applies to everyone who crosses the age of 18. I don’t think there was an explicit status change in society, however you are now a high school graduate. I was and still am a student in terms of my official status.

    This rite of passage very much match the stages of rites of passage mentioned in the text. There are three main stages, separation, removal and readmission. First separation, which often involves physical separation, and can be accompanied by symbols of separation. Personally, there was no physical isolation associated with my personal experience of starting university.. I stayed home, I commuted from Mississauga to Hamilton.

    Thus, I wasn’t explicitly separated, but it did feel like it. I went to a high school, which was a 15-minute walk from home, if I wasn’t feeling great, I went home during lunch. However, I do feel like even though I lived home, it involved a separation stage. I left home at 7 am every day, coming back sometimes as late as 9 pm. I basically went home for dinner and to sleep. Furthermore, I was on my own, with not knowing a lot of people that go to McMaster.

    I was alone most of the time. I felt isolated. My friends from high school all wen tot different universities. Furthermore, graduation also has a lot of symbols associated with it, main event being our graduation ceremony. Everyone was dressed in pretty dresses and tailored suits, we also received our diplomas at this event.

    Second, the liminality stage, time where you’re floating between two identities, a transition zone. I remember back to September/Early October, it was my first physics midterm. I usually got dropped off to the go station, and as usually my mom dropped me off at the bus stop. Just before getting off the car. I started crying my eyes out. I just felt overwhelmed and I just burst into tears. The transition was definitely hard, especially when you have Biology, Chemistry, Calculus, Psychology and Physics all in the first semester of University.

    Third, the stage of reincorporation, where you are fully comfortable in your identity and your new lifestyle. I feel like I experienced this stage about 4 months after I started unvierisyt, in December. Christmas break was a time of introspection, calming myself and reuiniting with my family. I remember just being thankful for being done with semester 1 but also I felt excited to start second semester, I was liking the new lifestyle. There were many lessons learnt in the transition phase for myself, which I took positive and I was able to better myself and my choices.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Lasting Memories of a Graduation Gone by a Very Significant Event in an Individual’s Life. (2022, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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