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    Personal Narrative on a Graduation Event

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    Our high school graduation event remains one of the most important events in my life. The graduation was not just an event but also a transition towards the achievement of my goals and objectives, both in education and career. Besides, the graduation was an indication that I was ready to take the next step towards the achievements of my goals and objectives. The event was not only crucial for me but also for other students who managed to make the list of the final graduating students. Like a majority of other graduation events in our school, this one created a feeling of belonging, a sense of accomplishment, and a transition towards maturity. Besides, our graduation meant more than a ceremony to a majority of the students. Such an event meant changes to our lives, a time to grow up into adults, more responsibilities, moving away from our parents, and a time to realize our dreams, in both education and careers. We have put too much effort over the years to reach this point, to make the list of the graduating students, and get opportunities to join campus, which remains the most critical times of our lives. Personally, this remains to be the happiest day of my life.

    The graduation ceremony was held in our high school grounds, and a majority of the people in attendance included the students, families, and employees of our institutions, the preparations had been conducted for three days. The school had focused on ensuring that the event was a success, mainly based on the increased number of students from the previous year. The administration had set aside the school grounds as the most convenient location for the event. Besides, more resources and workforce had been provided on time and partnerships made with local authorities, which was essential in making sure that everything was ready for the students to transition from high school to tertiary institutions, especially colleges and universities. In the morning hours of Friday, the organizers were finishing the final touches to ensure that the facilities, equipment, and other necessities were operational. Besides, the contributions of the local organizers, students, and other stakeholders made this event a success. Just like the majority of other students, I had waited for such an event for four years. A feeling of anxiety was overwhelming. Families for a majority of the students, including my parents and siblings, had arrived to witness such an occasion.

    In the afternoon, a majority of the relatives and families for the graduating students were seated at the graduation venue. However, most of the seats at the front were reserved for the students, while the families and relatives used the rest. From where we lined up, I could see that there where many people, mostly non-students, who had come to grace the event. The event had not yet officially started and I could see different people engaging in conversations, which seemed to be filled with excitement, joy, and a sense of satisfaction. At the podium, our school leaders were seated waiting for the students to arrive from where we had lined up. After some time, the person in charge of overseeing the event took the microphone and announced the students would be lining up to take their seats in the soonest time possible. I could tell that he was concerned about making sure that all the activities slated for the day would be accomplished on time and for everyone to go home satisfied and happy. Our teachers and student leaders were at the forefront in ensuring that students entered the venue in an organized manner. After the person in charge made the announcement, we entered the venue amid claps from our family members and relatives, which contributed to increased anxiety for some of the students and satisfaction for others.

    We were all dressed in gowns, which is typical for a majority of graduation ceremonies in either high schools or colleges. I made sure that my gown and cap were set up nicely. As I sat down, I looked back at my family, especially my parents who smiled while cheering me up. I felt happy and about to make a significant change at the time. Though happy and proud of efforts over the years, especially in academics despite the challenges that I had faced, I was anxious that I would never see some of my friends. However, I put a smile on my face to try to force back the tears that had started to line up in my eyes, ready to roll up. I could still feel all the eyes on the crowd on me. We waited for the next activity to progress, which entailed welcoming speech from our principle and student leaders. Before then, the person in charge of overseeing the event was standing up all this while waiting for us to take our assigned seats. He then made a brief statement welcoming everyone to the event and congratulated all the graduating students.

    Afterward, he called upon our principle to make an official opening of the event, which had started officially. Likewise, the principal welcomed all the families and relatives to the event and gave appreciated their efforts in making the event a success. He also congratulated us, especially the graduating class for our efforts over the years in academics, which – as he suggested – was an indication of people destined to be successful in life. All this while, the principles speech reminded me of our journey throughout the four years. The classes had been challenging and risky; some of the students had dropped out of school for different reasons. For that reason, graduation was an important event for my family and I. After congratulating the students, the principle then briefly gave several other leaders, dignitaries, and the opportunity to speak before reading out the names of the students. We were all anxious. There were claps and cheering in between the short speeches from the leaders. Afterward, the principal read out the names of the students in order of merits, especially in academics and discipline. As the principal read our names, groups of people clapped and cheered on the mentioned person, which I believe were the family members. It was evident that they were happy and overjoyed by the success of their kin.

    My family cheered the most after the principle read my name as the third most successful student with the third-best performance. I must admit that I was a hardworking student in all my high school years. I had always wanted to be a successful person in the future, which pushed me to utilize the library, teachers, and other resources as much as possible. In the end, I was proud of myself as the principal congratulated all the students after reading their names. Afterward, he invited other dignitaries, especially successful scholars and businesspersons, to advise us on the best ways to achieve success after high school and universities. The best performing student and student leaders were also allowed to give speeches on success, challenges and highlight the student’s plans for the future. The most successful student was quite an introvert, not so good at giving speeches. However, he stressed on the need discipline, hard work, and focus towards one’s goals and objectives and crucial to achieving success in the end. Our student leader and class representatives also pointed in similar issues. She, however, stressed on the need for our parents to be supported in our career choices. She asserted that this was important for us to achieve success and happiness in our lives.

    In the end, the event concluded after the principle awarded us with our graduating certificates. Afterward, a majority of the graduating students and their families dispersed at their convenience and will. My parents and I left in the evening, approximately an hour after the event had concluded. To date, I regard the graduation event as the most crucial time of my life. I am currently on campus and the issues mentioned during graduation, mainly focus, discipline, and hard work, have assisted me in my education and the achievement of my goals and objectives. The event remains an epic moment in my life as it represents a time when I transitioned from childhood to adulthood, learned the importance of hard and success, and pushed me to be an independent person. It was the most significant opportunity in my life and I am proud to have utilized it in the best way possible.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Personal Narrative on a Graduation Event. (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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