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    I want to be a Physician Assistant

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    For as far as I can recall, I have dreamt of science. Back in the days of my life, I remember people took science as a joke while I knew what I was eyeing in life, that is to be a great physician. I would really like to join your organization to enhance my skills and help me grow career wise so as to become and accomplish my dreams in the future. I would also like to share my skills with your organization so that we can better our tomorrow’s lives.

    I am confident that I qualify for this job since I have good communication skills. This means I can easily interact with clients in my line of duty and clearly get along with them without any hiccups. I will ensure that I fulfill the needs of the patients. I have active listening skills since am sure it is essential for a physician so that when given instructions once I can understand and do the work efficiently. In addition to that I have a great intuition and can speak and give ideas wherever needed that is in case of medical decisions. I also have a multitasking skill and am sure it’s an essential quality since one needs to keep a record of a number of tasks assigned and one needs to be smart not to forget or do a given task the wrong way. It is important since the patients are at risk in case treatment is done in a wrong way.

    I am a person who keeps time since no medical facility would want a lazy person or someone inefficient. Punctuality makes one meet his or her deadlines. One can update their weekly schedule and remind themselves on appointments. It also makes one perform their tasks without any hurry and can meet the required standard. Most importantly one should have an academic potential. I have a strong foundation in scientific knowledge and good study skills. I am confident that I have good judgment skill when under duress and I also can control my emotions under stress. One needs a level of maturity to be able to cope during stressing moments or when mixed with personal life and job life. I am committed to serving diligently and also willing to train those that have less experience in this field. I am an honest person and willing to be a good and efficient physician assistant.

    In this line of work, one needs to familiarize him or herself with computers and technology in general since it helps in making the job tidy whereby one can file and arraign his work online and making it easier to retrieve at any moment needed. It also reduces stress levels, and am confident that I am conversant with anything to do with technology this includes computers, cell phones, laptops, scanners, and theatre gadgets. I am conversant with organizational skills since I can organize the appointments, updating patient’s files and calendars and scheduling the day to day tasks. I am sure I have all those skills and am positive that I will emerge as an efficient and competent employee and I won’t disappoint on the job.

    A good physician assistant should be a know it all so as not to disappoint the patients. I am conversant with different scientific terms and skills so that when required to perform a certain duty I would be able to do so without any problems. One should be able to have a proactive approach which is to fix problems and mistakes before they turn into major disasters this is to create a good impression before the eyes of the committee.

    One should always be positive. I am an enthusiastic person and I can relate well with my colleagues I also have energetic enthusiasm to deliver a good and high-quality work. I am ready to learn and also be corrected without any unnecessary emotional attachments, I appreciate when corrected and show an attracting work once I discover my mistake. As it is said one is more likely to succeed in what he or she does when you maintain a positive attitude always. When dealing with patients in critical conditions I should have a good emotional stability in which am confident I will not let you down. I am a sharp and smart person since one requires that quality when it comes to dealing with patient’s details and descriptions. I know that any little change in patient’s detail can lead to more complicated issues.

    From real life experiences I have realized that greeting and wishing other good things are life changing to both patients and fellow workers. Outside from the paper qualifications, I have received several comments that I am friendly and compassionate. As I will be growing my career as an assistant physician, I will strive to be a role model for someone that poises the same qualities as well as the professional objectives.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    I want to be a Physician Assistant. (2022, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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