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    A First-Person Story About Paul Revere an American Patriot

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    Life as it seems, has gone by far too quickly. Whilst my comrades lay dead in the blood-drenched mud with no dying regrets, I lay on this cot shivering under the covers, shielding myself from the relentless cold. Ashamedly, as I settle in warm comfort, my thoughts begin to ponder the worthiness of our cause. With so many of my closest comrades dead, I question what is more noble; to fight for liberty at all costs or uphold the sanctity of life and focus on the care of my family.

    Is it entirely possible to reconcile these things while doing the will of my Father in heaven? I suppose it may have been the Lord’s will, but judging by the looks of our enemies as we slaughtered them mindlessly in a brief moment of madness, one should think otherwise. It troubles me to think that I could relish in the killing of human life. Yet, I believe the One who instilled this passion for freedom in me and others will surely bless our efforts. I therefore implore the reader of this memoir to expect not a story of a noble man with a whole heart for family and country, but of a broken man with carnal desires who yearns to do the will of his Father in heaven.

    I know not quite the date of my birth as these things were not taken into account, but perhaps it may have been late in December in 1734, for my baptism was on the following New Years Day. The only event that brings remembrance during my childhood was when my father, Apollo Rivoire, took me aside amongst my six siblings who were busily working in his goldsmith shop.

    While we all assisted him in his work, I was the one who truly enjoyed helping him in his trade. He spoke in a raspy, yet contemplative voice saying, “You, son…. you were meant for greatness. I urge you to continue in my footsteps and live out the name of Apollo Rivoire. Whatever troubles that may come your way I know that you will find a way to overcome it.” I wish he was alive to see my achievements in life, but he later passed away after marrying twice and leaving fifteen children to build his legacy in this new world.

    One of the most important jobs in Boston at that time for a lad in his teens, was to ring the church bells signaling upcoming events. Not only was it necessary for bell ringers to be prompt for their shifts, but also mandatory to complete the procedure in its entirety. Because this tedious task lasted several hours it became too burdensome a job for lads who typically had limited attention spans.

    Yet, I decided to partake in this chore, merely to challenge myself to do work that few were committed enough to do. While it was a very simple job, I understood the repercussions of what it could mean for the whole city if it was not done properly. I realized that this very simple task was highly significant in maintaining order for the city as a whole. I began to take pride in what I did and took my work very seriously.

    Although this job served me well in my younger years, my parents instilled in me to have higher aspirations and develop more skills to create a successful future for myself. Before I could begin my search for a higher-paying occupation, my parents knew it required a bit of education. After several arguments between my parents about which school was best for my future, they finally compromised and sent me to writing school rather than the Latin school. There, I was taught how to better articulate my thoughts in my writing, thereby improving my skills for effective communication- essential in any career of my choosing.

    Upon completing my studies, I simply could not give up my love of working with metals- reminiscent of my goldsmith years with my father, so I began my apprenticeship as a silversmith. I worked hard for several hours a day until I was skilled enough to be profitable in having my own shop. I also became quite skilled at promoting my work to the point where many in my hometown actually appreciated and admired my work for its fine quality, and soon my reputation spread towards the surrounding areas. As a result, I achieved success in a short amount of time.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A First-Person Story About Paul Revere an American Patriot. (2022, Dec 10). Retrieved from

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