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    To what extent is language necessary for thought? Essay

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    We call it a car instead of “an engine driving the wheels with a body attached to carry passengers”, to make it easier for us to transfer the thought within our mind and to others. Also, by calling it a car, we have differentiated the object from a train or a bike, both being other types of transportation. Again, our world is divided into pieces so the human mind can understand it bit by bit. From seeing a car to measuring the temperature, language offers an explanation to our experiences and is a powerful tool to help us think.

    All the labels within any language have a role in the way we, as human beings, think and process our experiences. With the direct control that languages possess over thoughts, a person could easily control other disciplines to their advantage. However, not only words and labels themselves have an influence on our minds but the way they are said can have an influence of how we identify people. Once one learns language, it is difficult to think complex or abstract thoughts without somehow relating to language.

    Immediate sensory input that is recognized by the brain still constitutes thought, but is not interpreted linguistically until shortly after, however, babies are born with photographic memories until they learn language. They soak up input like a sponge; while all sensory information is useful to them, sight is the most useful tool for learning, and concepts are understood visually until the capacity for language starts to form. Conclusion To this end Language can be concluded to be power due to its influence on all areas of knowledge.

    A Philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein states that “the limit of language is the limit of knowledge”. From Ludwig statement, it can be deduced that language is power since it is significant in every areas of development because it plays large role for basic awareness of each development areas. So with all things considered, language is a lot more powerful than we think. Without it, we would not be able to handle any thought. Through the direct link between our thoughts and our language, we can be extremely influenced by the usage of labels and their sounds.

    Through such things as limiting one’s vocabulary or using ambiguity, one can effectively control other disciplines. An important thing to realize is that by understanding the power of language, we can learn how to use it more effectively and we can reduce its influence on our thoughts. Human kind’s quest for knowledge is only limited by our language and its ability to control what we can and cannot know. We need language to think and interpret everything we experience and to put it into perspective.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    To what extent is language necessary for thought? Essay. (2017, Dec 04). Retrieved from

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