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    Exciting and colourful logo Essay

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    The third and final logo that I designed, is more exciting and colourful then the other logos. As you can see, the logo is black with many other colours on it and the name in the middle of the ball. This logo is basically an edited version of the previous logo. To make this logo, I took the previous logo and changed the picture by using tools such as render and inverse outlines. I did this until I found a logo the edited version that I liked. For this logo I used inverse outlines.

    Basically, changed the colours of the previous design and made it more colourful and exciting. Once I had designed all three of my logos, I decided that in order to select a suitable logo, I would need a questionnaire. The questionnaire would help me decide which logo the public and clients (e. g. suppliers and delivery companies) would prefer, and which is the most effective logo. Attached are five examples of how people reacted to the logos that I designed.

    The first question from the questionnaire asked, “Which logo best represents the company and what it does? ” As you can see 60% of the people that were asked said that logo two was the logo that would best represent the company and what it does. Logo one was also a popular logo. Logo three, however, was not very popular at all. I feel that this is because the ball is not very clear in the logo. The name of the company is shown in the logo but it is not very clear. The second question asked, “Which logo is the most eye catching?

    ” Obviously, the most eye-catching logo, is number three. This is because it is quite colourful, even though most of it is black, there is still colour, and it stands out from the rest of them. Logos one and two shared 15% of the peoples votes, and are obviously thought to be quite boring. There were other questions in the questionnaire but the most important question of all asked, “Out of the 3 logos that I have designed, which do you prefer? ” As you can see, logo two is the most preferred logo.

    I also feel that logo two is the best logo for representing the company. Logos one and three shared 40% of the votes whereas logo two took 60%. I have looked at logos for other companies and I have designed my own logos. I have produced a questionnaire and have analysed my results. After collecting the results of the questionnaire I believe that logo two, should be the logo that will represent my company. Now after choosing the logo to represent my company, I must use this in letterheads and I must use this in advertisement.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Exciting and colourful logo Essay. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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