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    Create the text for the logo Essay

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    General Overview I had to create a logo that would promote the video shop and encourage people to gain membership. I did it in “Serif page plus eight” and used clipart from the web and used a text wizard from “Serif page plus eight” to create the text for the logo. This task was predominantly easy; all it involved was creating a logo from text and clipart. It went well because it was particularly easy to do, and it did not contain any hard work or complicated things to do. Obtaining the graphics was harder than I thought it would be.

    I had to go into MSWord and get the clipart graphics from the Internet. I had to make no modifications to the plan, because the task is so simple. Criteria for Success * Enable customers to set apart the video shop by means of this logo. It enables customers to set apart this video shop by the logo, because it is a unique logo, to which no other video shop has access. This enables the customer to recognise Mercury Entertainment by the logo, and also informs and makes the customer know about us sub-consciously, so that they will know us and trust us when they come to rent from Mercury Entertainment.

    Be easy to replicate, so that I can put it on the material quickly. It is easy to replicate, because it is in a separate file as a picture on its own, so any program that I use can easily import the picture, rather than having to open “Serif page plus eight”. Look professional, so that the business gets a good reputation. It looks professional because it is simple and not too colourful or bright. This attracts customers even more than if it was more colourful and kid-like. Conclusion I feel that I have successfully completed what I have set out to do.

    It is as good as the best logos in business, as it still does the job. I think that it is average produce, and that it will still be identifiable against other logos. I feel what I have done is not of full commercial standard, however, that is not easy to achieve. I also think that it will still look good when on other backgrounds, i. e. a data capture form and a letter. Evaluation I feel that if I had more time I would have been able to produce a more effective and professional logo. Evaluation of Promotion Logo.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Create the text for the logo Essay. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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