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    Logo research Essay (870 words)

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    Logo research This logo has not got a border around it, but it still looks Neatly presented. There is a bright colour used for the Font, which catches your attention. Aswell as a name Used there is also an image included in the logo. I Personally do not like the colour used for the font, as it Is too bright. This logo has a very dark background. The font used in this logo is curved and really thin. It is a really basic colour, which contrasts well with the background. It is neatly presented. I like the idea of the border around the logo, which keeps the name of the company in place.

    This logo is completely different from the other logos that I have chosen. There is different size fonts used which immediately attracts your view. The colours used are basic and plain, but it still makes the logo stand out due to the font. There is no border around the logo to keep it in place, which makes the logo look free. This logo is very bright. There are three colours used which are: red, white and yellow. The logo has a border which makes the logo stay together. Aswell as the name of the logo, there is also an image. The image is of a crisp, which probably advertises what the company

    is for. Logos Results for Final Idea I did a tally chart to see what logos people preferred. I asked a sum of 20 people to then see which logos caught their eye. The results are shown in the tally below: I have drawn up my results onto a graph as it makes it clearer to see. The results clearly shows, that logo 1 has grabbed most peoples attention. Therefore I have decided to use logo 1 as my final idea, due to the majority vote. My chosen Logo This logo will be put on the business cards and letterheads: This logo is very simple and eye catching, due to the sharp endings of the letters.

    The colours contrast well with eachother and will look good on the final product. It also looks very lively and wild, it looks very strong and not plain. It ties in well with the font. I chose to draw the ‘&’ in a lighter shade than the font; this is because I thought it really contrasts well with the font. I also made the font stand out rather than the, &, this is because I want the customers to look at the name of the company rather than the &. Research I used the Internet to go to ‘ask’ and searched for logos on the search engine as shown below. I typed in www.

    ask. co. uk on the address bar. I typed in logos and pressed the icon ASK! This then enabled me to search for the phrase I was looking for. After I clicked on ask, it led me into further search engines for different websites. I then clicked on the specific website I was after, which then narrowed down my search. Research Once I clicked on ask it opened up this page: This page let me get into different web pages. It gave me a lot of options I could choose from. Research By clicking one of the web pages, I entered a website, which had the logo I was looking for.

    I took most of the logos from the ‘ask’ website and took the same steps, this way I then got all the logos I wanted. Legal Issues and Implications Software copyright If you steal software or copy a software, without the person’s permission, which owns the particular software, it is taken as a criminal offence. The law, Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1989, made this a criminal offence. Companies have a tendency to issue a licence to guarantee that software copies are made legal. Generally packaged licenses are available with whichever software you buy.

    It is certain that some companies also issue a particular number to type in whilst you establish your software. Businesses may hope to obtain numerous licenses to provide allowances for a range of users of the software, which would be available as a cheaper price. However it is possible to acquire a ‘site licence’, which basically means that anyone using a computer at a exact site can legally use a copy of the actual software, but still means that users cannot take copies of the software away form the site. Conversely the licence is only acceptable for computers used at the specified site.

    If you copy a software without purchasing a licence for your personal use it is known as ‘software piracy’. There are occasions where people copy and then sell the software to others. They might even issue a copy of the licence agreement. All these plagiarism software are against the law. To copy software, companies lose income, and software’s cost a lot of money to build up at first. Viruses A computer virus is a program which: can cause damage and wipe out crucial files on your computer system; attaches itself to another program or a file; can spread and be passed from file to file and computer to computer.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Logo research Essay (870 words). (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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