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    A View From TheBridge research Essay

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    Rodolpho is an extravert. Throughout the play he endeavours to make himself recognized by everyone especially Catherine. His loud outward actions and words really aggravate Eddie; he is his nemesis, which is the main cause of the build up of dramatic tension throughout the play. Rodolpho is liked by most although maybe not understood (he is very different to the average American man). Rodolpho puts pressure on characters relationships. He brings themes to the book such as incest, jealousy, law and justice. Overall, Rodolpho is Arthur Millers tool for dramatic techniques.

    During this essay I will be visiting these subjects. At the beginning of the play Arthur Miller shows how Rudolpho is already affecting the characters relationships after such a short time of living with the family. Rudolpho already has started an argument between Eddie and Beatrice because he has taken Catherine out to the cinema and they have not returned yet and Eddie becomes frustrated. This argument progresses to the subject of their relationship and you can see how Rodolpho has put pressure on their relationship: –

    Eddie-“They must’ve seen every picture in Brooklyn by now” Beatrice- “When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? ” Eddie replies to this by saying: “I ain’t been feelin’ good. They bother me since they came” I think that the real reason for their troubles is because of Eddie’s love for Catherine above Beatrice. Eddie realizes this deep down inside himself even though he won’t actually admit it to himself. Before Rodolpho arrived Eddie could live lying to himself that he was not obsessed with Catherine.

    But when he sees her with Rodolpho his feelings become so strong that he cannot go on lying to himself. A reader/viewer of the play can see this happening and so great tension is brought to the play. Although Rodolpho does not physically cause them to argue he brings tension to the story this tension causes arguments and puts great pressure on many relationships. Other relationships are affected such as Eddie and Catherine’s, which by the end of the book is almost non-existent.

    Catherine loves Rodolpho and Eddie finds this very hard to handle because he wants all her attention and he is jealous of Rodolpho. Eddie (to Catherine): “I don’t see you no more. I come home and you’re runnin’ around some place–” (with Rodolpho) This is the reason for Eddie’s dislike of him. Eddie tries to prevent Catherine from going out with Rodolpho and this causes arguments between them. Eddie tells Catherine of his theory as to why Rodolpho wants to marry her: Eddie: “Katie, he’s only bowin’ to his passport. “

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A View From TheBridge research Essay. (2017, Oct 24). Retrieved from

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