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    Essay about The Culture of Poverty in America Essay

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    The Culture PovertyAmerica has always been a country known for their great integrity, diversity, financial prosperity and great pop culture. It has been a place many people have flocked to from many different parts of the world in order to escape their very own poverty struck countries in their quest to build a new life in America and hopefully become financially stable. In this article written by M. Harrington he pointed out some key factors discussing how America has not really changed from over a hundred years ago. In specifics he tells how many years have gone by and still yet there is still a very large amount of a poverty class of people.

    Although our nation takes great pride on its classlessness there is still a one quarter percent of our country’s population that still lives in a poverty level. Some of these areas also included some inner city blacks, farmworkers, Appalachian whites and elderly people. Harrington’s book “The Other America” also tells us how as a country we have managed to hide the poverty level class from being seen while our country screams we are the wealthiest country in the world! America has done just that. Encourage the wealthy to become wealthier and poor to be poorer. It was also pointed out that the poverty class tends to have a poor language, poor mentality and just a poor outlook of the entire world view as a whole. He stated that the poverty people in this country are identified by a unique way of what is called “Culture Of Poverty”.

    What he was saying was that the mind of a poverty struck person will not ever surmount to doing things that will benefit them or change the course of their direction. In other words you may give a poor man a million dollars but he will not know wha. .the top, never at the bottom”. If we abide in his word and seek him first God’s blessing will come upon us as his word declares. Deut 28: 2 “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God”.

    ReferencesFreire-Medeiros, B. (2012). Touring poverty. Florence: Taylor and Francis Retrieved from, S. (1997). Beyond richard rorty’s public: Relegitimizing the quest for transcendence.

    Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 9(1), 19-38. Retrieved from, E. (1994). The meaning of freedom in the age of emancipation.

    The Journal of American History, 81(2), 435. Retrieved from

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about The Culture of Poverty in America Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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