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    Essay about Blood Brothers (220 words)

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    Blood Brothers has been very successful on stage – write about some of the elements in the play that you think may have made the play so popular.The musical blood brothers, written by Willy Russell, is a very popular and demanding play of the modern ages.

    It was written in the 1960’s and reflects upon the social and moral issues that were faced by the families at the time. The play is set in the 1960’s Liverpool streets. Liverpool was one of the roughest and poorest areas in the UK. The people had to live through poverty and hardship.

    Most of the men had lost their jobs and were running on the money they had got from the dole every week. Teenagers from the lower class of families had to leave school and start working at the age of 15, so that they could help support the family and themselves.The musical reflects the periods of time when the poor working class and the wealthier middle class were living side by side in the Liverpool suburbs. Willy Russell makes strong political points through the play.

    He is very critical about the families that lived in the 1960’s Liverpool. Through the play he tries to convey the point that, all problem faced by people lies outside in the society and community.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Blood Brothers (220 words). (2018, Jun 04). Retrieved from

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