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    Endangered species Act Essay (695 words)

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    We have to put a stop to this and weaken the power that the Edangered Species Act hason us. People are getting laid off there jobs and millions of our tax dollars are being spenton the Endangered species Act Essay (ESA)all the time.

    Is it worth all of this for theseendandered species. Must humans suffer and lose there jobs and houses over a fewinsects? Laws for the ESA are taking peoples property and fineing them becauseendangered species live on their property. A person is legally barred from using certain measures to protect his propertyfrom protected wild animals. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and state hunting bans,involves protected birds that feed on private crops or forage. Another situation, arisingunder the ESA, involves protected predators (wolves, grizzly bears) that kill privatelivestock that people have to make a living on. These people can not do a thing becauseof the ESA.

    So what do they do Just let their live stock or crops get eaten up by theseendangered species?The ESAs power is hurting us all the time. For enstance the construction of theSan Bernardino Medical Center in California was delayed for years because of a largeorange and black fly called the Delhi Sands flower-loving fly. In order for the MedicalCenter to be built the City of San Bernardino had to spend $3,310,199 so eight flies couldlive. The site of the Hospital had to be moved 250 feet from it origanal location. Then theCity of San Bernardino had to spend another $480,000 for the study of the flies.

    I do not understand. These people rather help out flies then ourselfs. They wantedto make a medical center. A center to help people, humanbeingget better.

    But what do wecare about more. Some Delhi Sands flower-loving fly. The ESA really target large property owners. In 1990 Brandt Child bought 500acres of property in Utah.

    The next year in 1991, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service toldhim he he could not build on his own property because the lakes on it were inhabited by200,000 federally protected thumbnail-sized Kanab ambersnails. Thats not all, After they found 10 domestic geeses near the lakes and ponds. Theytold Mr. Child that if any of the snails get eaten by the geese it was a $50,000 fine forevery sail.

    Mr. Child to this day is still out $2. 5 million. Due to the fact that he can’t usehis property, and the government refuses to compensate him for his loss. Do you believe this is fair? How can you tell a man that he he cant not build onhis own land because there are snails on his property. This is getting out of hand.

    Howcan poor Mr. Child controll what these geese on his property do. He should not be gettingfined for geese eating these snails. He does not have any control over the geese.

    Its a partof mother nature. Eco-Terrorism or the destruction of property for an environmental cause, is alsohapping all of the time. Over 1400 incidents of eco-terrorism have been reported in thelast decade. For instance on Oct. 23, 1998 The Earth Liberation Front, an environmentalactivist group, claimed responsibility for setting a series of fires at the Vail Mountain skiresort in Vail, Colo. The fires made over $12 million worth of damage.

    So that the resortwould not build on the land that was inhabbitated by animals. There are 379 endangered animals and 595 endangered plants in America. Thereare also 272 threatened animals and plants. That mean there is 1246 different types ofendangered or threatened species that can be on your property right now.

    Which meansyou are liable at any time for the ESA to run down on you and take over your land andstart fineing you just for owning property that an endangered species wants to live on. May sound crazy but it happens all the time. The ESA has the power to take control of people’s land when an endangered orthreatened species is found on it. “This ability to control how property is used makes theland owner an enemy. The result is that people who would otherwise help protect thesespecies want to get rid of them.

    Instead the law could be changed by introducing methodsof compensation for landowners who protect endangered species.this could includerental payments or protection “bounties.” .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Endangered species Act Essay (695 words). (2019, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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