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    Early Childhood Classroom Essay (Critical Writing)

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    Although pre-school teachers are often underappreciated, we are some of the most valuable people in our country. The country need excellent early childhood teachers to help strengthen our overall education system. Here are some reasons that inspire me to study early childhood education.

    Firstly, I get to learn how to work with different age groups. Early childhood education teachers typically learn to work with students who are anywhere from 2 or 3 (pre-kindergarten) to 8 or 9 (third grade). That is obviously a huge age range, and each different grade level has its own unique challenges and fun moments.

    By studying early childhood education, I will open up teaching opportunities within a number of different grades so that I can figure out what age group that I most want to work with. Plus, it will also mean that I will be qualified for more teaching jobs, which in this economy is an incredibly important thing.

    Next, I can earn additional teaching certifications. Studying early childhood is a great foundation if I want to work in a specific area that I am passionate about, like special education. By majoring in early childhood education and then earning an additional certification, I will open up even more job opportunities.

    Other than that, I get to be a part of important developmental moments. The human brain actually grows the most during a child’s first three years, and important nerve connection pruning begins when children are just 12 months old.

    Young children need proper stimulation to begin developing important real-world skills like problem solving, and as an early childhood educator, I can help them grow and reach these important milestones.

    While I am earning my degree, I will take classes that will teach me about cognitive development so that I know how best to work with children at different ages.

    Next, I can help children develop essential behavioral traits. In addition to promoting cognitive development, early childhood education also helps students develop necessary behavioral traits like sociability, motivation, and self-esteem.

    Preschool is one of the first opportunities for many children to interact with other kids their age on a regular basis, as well as adults other than their parents. If I work in early childhood education, I will be helping the children to develop the personal and interpersonal skills that are necessary to live a happy and healthy adult life.

    Other than than, I can get creative with my lessons instead of sitting behind a desk. Children under the age of 5 do not respond very well to long lectures or textbook reading sessions, so as an early childhood educator, I will get to lead kids through a lot of hands-on lessons.

    For example, instead of just expecting students to memorize the alphabet, I might use toys like a plastic apple to represent different letters and sounds. I may also have the opportunity to take students on field trips to places like farms or children’s museums to help them gain valuable life experiences.

    And while I am still in university, I will likely have plenty of opportunities to leave my own college classroom and visit pre-school classes to get practical experience.

    Next reason that inspire me to join early childhood education is that I will become an important community member .l have the chance to interact with your student’s parents and various community members who can help connect me to important educational resources.

    If the program I work for is a non-profit, i may also spend time soliciting donations from community leaders.

    Levels of competence levels of competence refer to a progression of knowledge, skills, and abilities important to the provision of quality care for children. These levels of competence, however, are not necessarily aligned with the professional development steps.

    Some of the competencies may not be addressed at all in the earlier steps. These levels of competence have been aligned with bloom’s taxonomy. First core is awareness level-knowledge. Professionals are developing an awareness of the core knowledge areas.

    Competence may be reflected by knowledge, skills and abilities such as: recognizing, identifying, labelling and observing. Next is developing level-comprehension. Meaning that professionals are able to articulate core knowledge areas.

    Competence may be reflected by knowledge, skills and abilities such as: describing, discussing, explaining and paraphrasing. Other than that, achieving level-application. Meaning that professionals are able to apply core knowledge areas.

    Competence may be reflected by knowledge, skills and abilities such as demonstrating, illustrating, implementing and applying. Next, extending level-analysis and synthesis. Meaning that professionals are able to analyze and create based upon core knowledge areas.

    Competence may be reflected by knowledge, skills and abilities such as: comparing, contrasting, developing, relating, creating, constructing, designing and modifying. Lastly is advanced level-evaluation. Meaning that professionals are able to judge and advocate for core knowledge areas.

    Competence may be reflected by knowledge, skills and abilities such as critiquing, assessing, appraising, revising, justifying and advocating.

    For me, the strength is when i have a true passion in becoming an early childhood educator. That is the source of strength which is passion. In life, we have to have passion in whatever we do. Therefore, I find that I really have passion in this field. Therefore, it is my powerful strength.

    My weakness is lack of knowledge on understanding children behaviour and character and how to react on the children’s behaviour. For example, if the children throw tantrum, I should know how to resolve the conflicts.

    I notice my weakness is that I do not know how to handle children’s behaviour. Thus, I have to gain knowledge more so that I can understand children better.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Early Childhood Classroom Essay (Critical Writing). (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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