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    Claude Monet Biography (436 words)

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    Claude Monet is a well-known artist even today. Almost everyone has seen one of his pieces of art, even if they didn’t know who painted it. There are many documents and articles about Claude Monet, but that doesn’t mean that everyone knows who he is. There are some interesting things that I think people should know about him, including his family, his influences, and his importance.

    Monet was born on November 14, 1840. Monet’s parents’ names were Claude Adolphe Monet, his father, and Louise Justine Aubrée Monet, his mother. Monet had two children named Jean Monet and Michel Monet. They were both the children of Camille Doncieux, his first wife. She, however, passed away, and Monet got married to Alice Hoschedé as his second wife. Claude Monet was important because he inspired the impressionalism movement for artists. He passed away on December 5, 1926, and had once attempted suicide in 1870.

    Many people may wonder who Monet was inspired by, or maybe who he inspired. First things first, Monet was inspired by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, Edouard Manet, and Camille Pissarro. As for some artists that were influenced by his works, that list of people consists of Edgar Degas, Raoul Dufy, and even the more well-known artist, Vincent Van Gogh. Many artists find inspiration in others, but for some, inspiration is hard to find. Monet, for example, was having a bit of a difficult time finding inspiration for his works. I’m sure he’d be happy to know that he influenced other artists, as well. On another note, Monet went to college at the National School of Fine Arts located in Paris, France.

    Monet’s painting style is, in many people’s opinion, very beautiful. He would paint with vibrant colors along with amazing scenery. His art works included styles of Modernism and Impressionism. Monet actually played a role in the Impressionism movement, which influenced other artists to use the same kind of style. Monet had been painting since 1852, around the time he was about 12. He stopped painting only when he died in 1926. His works of art were some of the most beautiful of the time period.

    Claude Monet truly was a great artist. He may have come from a normal French family, but he made art that would be admired by many in the future. Although it took him a little while to find his inspiration, he eventually got there. He even managed to influence other artists with his style of art. He was a talented painter, as seen by his many outdoor scenes that he painted. Hopefully his art will still inspire people today.

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    Claude Monet Biography (436 words). (2021, Apr 09). Retrieved from

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