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    Chapter 17 Question cards

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    how did the merchant class in northern Italy influence the renaissance
    They patroned the arts
    how did art change during the renaissance
    Inspiration from Greek/Romans, Perspective, Humanism, Realism, Individualism,
    how did northern european rulers encourage the spread of renaissance idea
    Through the funding of public works, especially art, by which the public could appreciate new ideas.
    how does Albrecht durer’s work reflect renaissance idea
    Albrecht Durer produced woodcuts and engravings that became influential. He also painted using realism and showing his subjects as their natural selves.
    what did christian humanist set out to do and what method did they use
    They set out to learn by the power of reason (figuring stuff out using your brain instead of blindly following the church) and they used the “Scientific Method”
    what act by martin luther set off the reformation
    The Act Of 95 Theses Set Off The Reformation.
    why did the holy roman emperor go to war against protestant german princes
    because they were protestant, and the Holy Catholic Church wanted all of Europe to become Catholic once again
    how did england establish a state church apart from the catholic church
    Henry VIII started the Church of England (the Anglican Church) after the pope refused to grant him an annulment (divorce, basically).
    what was the main teachings of john calvin
    A major teaching of John Calvin’s was one of the pillars of the Protestant Reformation, and as such his teachings have had a tremendous influence on many aspects of society all the way to the present day.
    what did the jesult play in the catholic reformation?
    they founded superb schools, converted non-Christians to Catholicism, and to stop Protestantism from spreading.

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    Chapter 17 Question cards. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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