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    What are your Career Goals? (361 words)

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    What are your Career Goals? Is the manager usually standing around? Well he may be standing there but he has about one hundred things on his mind at a time.

    My career goal is to be a business manager. To be a business manager you will have to have several skills. One of the most important skills I think you need is knowing how to negotiate and knowing how to pick your market. Some of the other skills you will need are good math skills and you should have the best quality for one of the lowest prices.

    The qualities I have to become a business manager include an aptitude for mathematics. Also I have had experience in running a business called Russells Sports Ware, and operating it was successful. I also have good people skills and I am very fair person. A business manager has many responsibilities. They include hiring and firing employees, paying all bills, supervising displays, setting store policies, keeping good records and representing best qualities for ones monies. I chose this career for many reasons.

    First of all, I am fascinated be the business world. In the eighth and ninth I taken an entrepreneur ship class which I learned a lot and started a business which was a retail business in which I sold tee shirts. Once I started all I keep saying was one day I will own and manage my own business. Once I become a business manager I hope that I will be able to run and manage my own business, which I want to be first a clothing store than an entire mall.

    I dont plan on getting married but if the right one comes maybe it will happen and I will enjoy my family. I will give to charity and I will also help young children start a business like someone has done to myself who was NFTE (National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneur Ship). Because I think by kids starting off young that gives them an advantage on others because by taken the class you are bound to learn something about business but you learn a lot if you want. Words / Pages : 382 / 24 .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What are your Career Goals? (361 words). (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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