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    Art 2.3 Essay

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    Which of the following is a printmaking process?
    When a printmaker rolls ink onto a raised surface and presses a piece of paper onto it, the resulting image on the paper is known as ________.
    an impression
    The earliest existing printed artworks on paper were created in this culture.
    A relief print created out of a solid wood block is called ________.
    a woodcut
    For his print Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Albrecht Dürer hired expert craftsmen to ________.
    create the block and cut the lines into it
    During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many masters of woodblock printing in this country, whose work reflected the lifestyle of an urban cultural class.
    If an artist were to create a woodblock print with three different colors, how many separate relief blocks would he or she need?
    This twentieth-century German artist used the natural grain and splintering of the woodblock to make his work Prophet more expressive.
    Emil Nolde
    To create a color woodblock, such as Hokusai’s famous “The Great Wave off Shore at Kanagawa,” a printer must produce a new ________ for each separate color.
    relief block
    This term for plate printmaking means “cut into” in Italian.
    This printmaking tool is a sharp instrument used to mark the surface of a plate.
    This intaglio printing process involves carefully and cleanly scoring a metal plate.
    One advantage of using a metal plate over a woodblock for printmaking is that it ________.
    is longer lasting
    This intaglio process is achieved by pulling a burin across the surface of a metal plate, leaving a burr where the ink will collect.
    This intaglio process employs acid to mar the surface of a metal plate.
    This intaglio process makes an image that resembles the effect created by water-based media, and uses melted rosin to create an acid-resistant coating.
    The wash-like appearance of Goya’s print Giant was created using this process.
    This Spanish artist created artworks in both print and paint that depict horrific events that happened during the French occupation of Spain between 1808 and 1814.
    Francisco Goya
    This intaglio process is achieved by roughening the entire metal plate surface with a rocking tool, then smoothing the areas where the ink is to be wiped away.
    A group of prints that are identical and produced in a limited number is called ________.
    an edition
    These prints can be made using any print process, but with the intention of creating a unique image rather than an edition.
    If you were to carve away the surface of a woodblock, removing the shape of a star, then ink the block and make a print, you would be left with a negative star shape on the paper.
    If an artist wants to create a print with very fine detail and precise, even lines, drypoint would be a good method to use.
    If an artist wanted to create an image of a bright moon in the night sky using mezzotint, he or she should smooth the burrs on the surface of the plate for the area of the moon.
    If you wanted to create a poster that displayed exactly the same information, and could be reproduced in thousands of copies, monoprint would be a good process to use.
    Alois Senefelder was a German playwright and printmaker usually credited with the invention of etching.
    Registration is the term used for lining up two or more printing blocks or plates so that their impressions line up correctly on a sheet of paper most commonly to create a multi-color image.
    The basic, underlying principle of lithography is that oil and water mix well.
    Aquatint is a major technique for creating crisp distinct lines in intaglio printmaking.
    In relief prints the printed areas are from the raised portion of the block.
    If you bought a print with the number 33/1900, what does this mean?
    this is the 33rd print of 1900 total print created
    If an artist does not strike or destroy their printing plates is perfectly fine because this allows later generations to continue to obtain great quality works from this master artist.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art 2.3 Essay. (2018, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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