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    Andrew Davis Essay (521 words)

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    Andrew DavisAs an accomplished Hollywood director, Andrew Davis’ words are important for anyone hoping to become a player in the game, AKA Hollywood. Andrew Davis has directed many successful action films for Hollywood. The way that he found his success and has maintained it is the most important thing that I learned from Andrew Davis.

    He has given me an example of how one person found success in Hollywood amongst a flood of others seeking the same high ground. The Fugitive is by far the most successful film Andrew Davis has directed. Some critics have even gone as far to state that The Fugitive is the best action thriller of the decade. Some of his other more recent films include A Perfect Murder, Steal Little, Steal Big and Chain Reaction. Andrew Davis is also known for making intense action films such as Under Siege, Code of Silence and Above the Law. His comments on why and how he came into making such films and being labeled as an action film director provide an interesting insight into the way that Hollywood works.

    He stated that since he found some initial success with action films he was repeatedly called upon by Hollywood to “just do what he did last time. “He mentioned that he had ambitions to break away from being pegged as an action film director, but that it was a difficult thing to do when you were trying to “keep your hand in the game. “These comments illustrate one of the ways that Hollywood works. Perhaps the most important thing Andrew Davis talked about was the power of networking in Hollywood.

    Often talked about in class, Andrew Davis is a prime example of the breaks that one can get through friends and contacts. His relationship with Thomas Haskell provided him with a valuable contact in Hollywood. Andrew Davis’s relationship with Academy Award winner Thomas Haskell points to the importance of making and keeping in contact with as many people as possible in the industry. Andrew Davis recommended to the class that if at all possible, one should try and find a mentor for guidance and assistance in the early days of delving into Hollywood.

    As a filmmaker, Andrew Davis utilizes a more spontaneous approach to directing, as opposed to more structured directors such as Stanley Kubrick. Andrew Davis described making a film as, “a cross between war and a circus. ” His approach to filmmaking in comparison with other guest this quarter and last fall illustrates the vast differences in styles of directors. Finally, Andrew Davis reconfirmed the comments of just about every other guest that almost every film is comes to production via different routes. Some films are handed to directors to be made and others are made when screenplays find their ways to directors who in turn takes takes the screenplays to studios for financial backing. Andrew Davis is a very interesting person and creator of cinema.

    The story of his journey to Hollywood and succeeding is an inspirational one. Many of his films have become very successful commercially. He has given me a valuable insight into succeeding in Hollywood.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Andrew Davis Essay (521 words). (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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