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    A Review of Titanic, a Movie by James Cameron

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    The best movie I have ever seen that attracted me with all kinds an emotion, interesting actors and the music was “Titanic. I watched this movie many times but I never got bored watching it. Whenever I am watching it, I always cry. it is very famous movie as you know. This movie got most of the Oscars for the best movie of the year, and I think it really deserved with all the best characters and the best picture. The first attraction that I had is because it is based on one of the true stories that really happen. The movie Titanic, directed by James Cameron, was a fictional story base on the true ship. The focus on the differences between the two classes aboard the Titanic. This movie clearly how differently the first and second-class people were treated during the time of the Titanic.

    Jack and Rose were main characters in this story. Jack was a poor man but he got a ticket for a luxurious ship, Titanic. Because they wins the poker .It seemed like he was a lucky man but he never know what it going happen. Rose was a rich girl and was engaged to a man. She was reluctant to marry him. She met jack in Titanic.

    Rose is pushed into a marriage by her mother for financial reasons. Rose is not happy with that and attempts to commit suicide an then Jack saves her and they fell in love. Titanic was headed from England to America until the Titanic meet with the iceberg. And Jack gets framed while the Titanic is sinking, Rose helps Jack to escape and they return to the top deck. Cal manages to persuade Rose to get in a lifeboat for a short while until she realizes she can’t leave Jack. She leaves the lifeboat and meets Jack in the first-class stairway.

    Jack and Rose are being chased by Cal, who has a gun. Cal runs out of ammunition and manages to board a lifeboat. Jack and Rose take refuge on the vertical stern, but eventually they are washed into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. They have one floating door, which has only space for one person. And then jack give one space for rose after that Jack dies from the cold in Rose’s arms. Suddenly has one lifeboat came back to find the survivors and then they find rose and when sailor ask her name, she call herself Rose Dawson. There she sees Cal for the last time, looking for her.

    A young women 17 years old she is so pretty and elegant she has The luxurious life. But she don’t like it she so bored of fake people and she don’t want to marry with the man that she never love,I choose rose because she can survive form the ship early because she rich and she can go out of the ship first but she didn’t she comeback inside to the ship for help jack anyway she didn’t know where is jack and how to help him and she didn’t afraid to ship sink and not afraid to die and she will die if she didn’t help jack she never abandon jack and jack too.

    The character of Jack. He is a poor man but he so handsome, dare to try and brave,he protect rose and die instead rose. I choose because jack is brave and he love rose so much if he can choose one choice of he die or rose die he choose himself such as one scene on the ocean they are washed into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. They have one floating door, which has only space for one person. And then jack give one space for rose after that Jack dies from the cold. This scene make the audience cry they grateful and admiration for the selfless although finally jack was die but the good thing that jack do will stay with your heart.

    About sound and scene the first one is Musicians know that they are going to die, but they are still play instrumental. to make the people in the boat did not stampede. During the ship gonna sink in to the ocean, they serve until the last minute. And the second scene I like when jack and rose stay on the front of the boat and then Jack caught the arm of sky out. This scene is very perfect for me because this is the last day that rose,jack and everybody can see the sunset on the titanic this scene is very beautiful Both the light and the colors are beautiful,The third scene Jack and rose are washed into the freezing Atlantic Ocean. They have one floating door, which has only space for one person. And then jack give one space for rose after that Jack dies from the cold in Rose’s arms.

    The Titanic soundtrack was success, the best selling US album of 1998. The soundtrack, this song were singing done by Celine Dion and Norwegian singer Sissel Kyrkjebo. The song, called “My Heart Will Go On” this is a classic song,everybody who watched Titanic they never forgot this song I think My heart will go on is Music Legend. About film The movie start the first scene with old color because they want to show about the old time and people in the ship waving hand to goodbye their family but they never know that is the last time to say goodbye to their family and never comeback again.

    The lighting was very important. The poor, lower class people were always shown in very warm colored light giving them a sense of life and happiness. On the other hand, the rich, upper class was always shown in a flat light portraying the feeling of hard and cold. This is the best movie I have ever watched. I recommend this movie to everyone.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Review of Titanic, a Movie by James Cameron. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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