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    The Issues of the Sinking of Titanic Tragedy

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    There were a lot of things that went wrong during the sinking of the Titanic. It could have easily been prevented by everyone in and around the ship, it is not unsinkable.

    There were not enough safety boats for all of the people on the Titanic, and the Californian did not respond to their call for help many lives would have been saved if the Californian had responded because there were at least 400 people that needlessly lost their life because of the lack of boats. Not as many lives would have been lost during the sinking of the Titanic if the crew members did a safety drill, if the Californian had responded to their call for help, and if there there enough lifeboats and they had filled them to capacity.

    A lot of lives would have been saved if there was a safety drill and boat assignments if something went wrong on the cruise. countercharges we hurled about the white star line. The united states and board of trade report in england states that, “… boat crews had been slow in reaching their stations, launching arrangements were confused because no boat drill had been held; passengers were loaded into the boats haphazardly because no boat assignments had been made” (Baldwin 402). If there was a safety drill the crew would have been way calmer and the boats would have been filled properly to get at least most of the people on board on to the boats. There was no safety drill held therefor nobody knew what to do and people were not calm. It would have gone way smoother if people were calm and knew what to do in a situation like that. A lot of lives could have been saved if the Californian responded to their call for help.

    After the Titanic struck the iceberg and began to sink, the crew members began to call for help, but they did not receive any response. According to Baldwin, “The CDQ changes the course of many ships- but not of one; the operator of the Californian, nearby, has just put down his earphones and turned in” (Baldwin 396). Another way the sinking of the Titanic could have been helped is if the Californian responded to their call for help, as they said they were only 19 miles away from them and the could see the flashing lights a lot of lives would have been saved if they came to help because most people that didn’t get a boat could have jumped onto the Californian.

    According to the senate investigation and board of trade report in england it states that the californian was close enough to assist the sinking Titanic. The Californian, “… was at most 19 miles away from the sinking Titanic and probably no more than 5 to 10 miles distant. She had seen the Titanic’s lights; she had seen the rockets; she had not received the CDQ calls because her radio operator was asleep” (Baldwin 403). Maybe if the radio operator was not asleep while the Titanic was calling for help the Californian would have helped out. People could have been saved by jumping on to the other boat instead of jumping into a freezing ocean.

    A lot of lives could have been saved if the crew members and the passengers on the Titanic filled the lifeboats to capacity. There were not enough lifeboats to fill the capacity of all the people on the cruise the united states and the board of trade report in england states that.” The Titanic had carried enough boats for 1,178 persons, only one third of her capacity. Her sixteen boats and four collapsibles had saved but 711 persons; 400 people had needlessly lost their lives. The boats had been partly loaded; officers in charge of launching them had been afraid the falls would break or the boats would buckle under their rated loads…….”(Baldwin 402). Since there were not enough lifeboats 400 people already lost their life when they bought their ticket for the Titanic. There should have been more than enough lifeboats for passengers of the titanic a lot of lives were lost because there weren’t enough lifeboats.

    A lot of lives were lost during the sinking of the Titanic, mainly because there was no safety drill, not enough lifeboats, and because the californian did not respond to the Titanic’s call for help. People losing their life guaranteed because there is not enough boats is so sad to me because that’s basically getting murdered and then not having a safety drill or any boat assignments on top of that. The Titanic was not prepared and should not have set sail until they figured it all out. All in all, a lot of things could have been done differently during the sinking of the Titanic and a lot of lives would have been saved if everything was done right.

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    The Issues of the Sinking of Titanic Tragedy. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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