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    A Poets History Essay (690 words)

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    Erik UriegasMs, SharpEnglish 4 Period 710-31-03A Poets HistoryWilliam Shakespeare was a very mysterious man.

    Most of the information about his life is unknown. Some information is lost and never to be found. His plays are continuously being performed today. William Shakespeare was not just a playwriter but also a poet and actor. All of these accomplishment without ever attending a college or university. His early life was at Stratford on Avon and he was educated at a free gramer school in Stratford.

    Treated well by his father and mother who was middle class. Grown to have marriages, kids, and become one of historys best play writers. Stratford on Avon at a time of William Shakespeares birth was a village of about two thousand inhabitants. Stratford on Avon is about eighty miles away from London.

    William Shakespeares year of birth was 1564. He was baptized the twenty-sixed of April. William was the third child to be born. He had twin sisters who were elder but died at infancy. The name Shakespeare appears to have been common in the west midlands. William Shakespeare left his family about four years after his marriage to Anna Hathaway at the age of eighteen, and came to London for better family fortunes.

    At this time London had gone prosperous under the reign. Shakespeare hoped upward Stratford could have held little for him now that his fathers enterprises had faded. During the years William Shakespeare detached himself gradually from his London Associates (William, 3). Irving Robner quoted,Shakespeare growth as a tragicdramastic growth in moral vision (Bergeron, 74). Shakespeare grandfather was a tenant farmer; his daughters husband was altered knighthood (Kay, 17). The Shakespeare family history is a textbook case of that upward social mobility that was so common in Renaissance England.

    William Shakespeares education is known to be vague. There was a free grammer school at Stratford, to which, as the, son of his father he would have been entitled to free admission. Aubrey, who is entirely unsupported even states that William Shakespeare was a schoolmaster himself. When William was about thirteen years old his father took him out of school and put him to work so he can help the family who got onto some financial difficulties. William Shakespeare has never been proven to have attended a college or a university. His mentality and work has been proven to be a solid education (William, 2).

    John Shakespeare is father of William Shakespeare who is a resident of Stratford. He is reported at one time a farmer doing business in meat. Williams father also did business in hides. William Shakespeares mother is Mary Arden and also John Shakespeares first love. For your heiress Mary brought into the family a house and about fifty acres of land (William, 1).

    John and Mary Shakespeare were known to have a total of eight children. John and Mary eventually got married. John was a Prosperous Gentleman or at any rate a prosperous man of business. When William Shakespeare was about four his father John Shakespeare became mayor of the town. His father also occupied other positions in the community. In the year 1601 father of William Shakespeare John Shakespeare pasted on (William, 3).

    His widow Mary Shakespeare lived until 1608 when she pasted on also. In 1582 the license for the marriage of William Shakespeare and Anna Hathaway was entered into the town records. Three children were born to them, Susanna who was the eldest, and twins, who were Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet lived for only eleven years. The two daughters survived their father. That was to be said as the most certained and best documented event in his life that happened in and around Stratford (Bergeron, 28).

    The story of his marriage, though starting from some positive and contemporary facts is a spider web of unsubstantial evolution William Shakespeares wife is eight years elder then him. He was only eighteen, on his long absence from Stratford and on the solitary bequest on his second best bed to his wife. The twins follow a long gap in authentic records. There is ground however for believing that William leaving his family at Stratford. On the twenty-sixth of May 1583, Shakespeares eldest daughter

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