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    A Perspective and Exemplification on the Way of Passing in a Man’s Life in Robert Hayden’s American Journal

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    My comprehension of the lyric, American Journal by Robert Hayden is that he gives the peruse an alternate point of view of how to take passing in a man. One illustration he uses to depict passing is he says life flashes before your eyes. I think the characteristic response for anyone. When their life is in risk is to center around the present circumstance and how might they be spared. Be that as it may. If it’s a conceivable possibility where the individual is biting the dust, and nobody can help in time. The individual can perhaps have certain flashbacks or may consider a unique individual or vital recollections with that individual.

    What the author is trying to say is why can’t death have a better ending or have a more pleasant way to stop than just an abrupt ending with nothing else following behind it. As the writer’s character dives underneath the surface to his watery grave, a snappy portrayal of a long life is spun through his brain. Mr. Collins depicts how abnormal it is that time Collins utilized conversational, easygoing lingual authority all through the ballad and he made inquiries all through, goading the peruse to think further. Despite the fact that his style is easygoing, he utilizes stacked and aesthetic words in every stanza, delineating and confirming the title.

    These aesthetic words additionally give all the more significance to the topic of life all through the sonnet. Clear words in the sonnet for the most part begin with “S,” giving the deception of a water or sprinkle sound, identified with suffocating. He likewise decides to us words that start with “C” additionally giving the smashing, sprinkle hints of water.

    Collins is renowned for his exemplification, and in this ballad, he utilizes it so as to depict freeze with human qualities, “as though freeze, or the demonstration of submergence, could startle time into such pressure, pounding/decades in the bad habit of your frantic, last seconds” (3-5).

    Since Collins utilizes masterful dialect that isn’t utilized to depict demise, clear confirmation that the sonnet is about existence shows up could be compacted and pulverized into such a short film in the last second. If the reader plays close attention at another stanza, they will understand the nearness of

    God is in the lyric. “Survivors would have us trust in a brightness/here, some electrical discharge forking over the water, an extreme Light before every one of the lights go out,” (17-19) influences the reader to trust that the Light is God. The way the Light is depicted, influences the reader to trust it could be something beyond an acknowledgment of one’s activities, words, for example, trust, brightness, truth and extreme, “Occurring to you with all its megalithic tonnage,” (20) at that point has more importance than before in view of this epiphany.

    As “megalithic” is a vast stone from antiquated or ancient circumstances, and “tonnage” is the limit of a dealer vessel, communicated either in units of weight, as dead weight tons, or of volume, as gross tons. As the reader meets God in their place of battle, they understand what was their own “megalithic tonnage” or additional things holding them down in the dim waters of their life.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Perspective and Exemplification on the Way of Passing in a Man’s Life in Robert Hayden’s American Journal. (2022, Dec 09). Retrieved from

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