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    “A Midsummer Nights Dream” Essay

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    A midsummer nights dream essay

    The quote “love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind”. This quote was said in the text and I really liked it because there were parts in the movie where they found out who they really loved once the potion was taken off. In the text there were love potions on people and fighting going on and drama just everywhere. Also there was a donkey and fairies and many other characters. There were different scenes in the text where different things were happening and also from the movie where different things were going on. Therefore the movie and text had many similarities and things in common to.

    In the play A midsummer nights dream in act one Scene one was about mainly Theseus and Hippolyta going to get married and how egeus wanted Demetrius and hermia to get married but hermia didn’t want to she was in love with Lysander and so was he they wanted to get married. Lysander wants demetrius to back down out of the wedding because hermia can’t because she has to follow her dads wishes and if she don’t then he may kill her. Lysander tries to explain to egeus that Helen is in Love with Demetrius and how Helena wants him and that she wants to Marry him. So egeus thinks about it but he also wants to talk to Demetrius about it and how he feels so when he talked to demetrius to talk to him about it hermia and Lysander are thinking about running away together and going to stay with Lysander aunt and then they could get married because they would no longer be under the Athenian law so they can do what they want to. They end up meeting in the woods and Helen and Demetrius followed them and there was a fairy that put a love potion on Lysander so when he woke up and seen Helena he ended up falling in love with her then they put the love spell on Demetrius to so he fell in love with Helena to and hermia was confused and wasn’t sure what was going on and Helena thought they were just playing a joke on her and messing with her but they weren’t they were under a spell so everyone was getting mad Lysander wanted to fight Demetrius and hermia wanted to fight Helena for taking her soon to be husband. Eventually the fairy comes back and puts them all to sleep and fixes all the problems he had made and then they all get married egeus except it and listens to them and he understood.

    There were lots of difference in the play and the movie and i liked how the movie was put together. In the text i felt Like there was more dirty ones or more jokes at all in the text then the movie. In The Movie the characters were more dressed like nowadays and in the text it was sounding like old ages and different. The movie is more like present and how its all designed and set up. In the text when they were given the love spell both lysander and demetrius fell in love with Helena but in the movie demetrius ran into lysander and Helena and demetrius fell in love with lysander first so the fairy had to fix it and then demetrius fell in love with Helena and then that’s where they started to fighting Over her. Also in the movie hermia was African American in the movie. In the book it was saying that bottoms head was only an donkeys head but in the movie his whole body was a donkey. In the story the fairy’s were very vicious and in the movie they were nice and not as Mean.

    I really like the movie version better than the text version. I liked the movie version better because it had funny parts especially when they changed up things in the movie from the text. I still liked the Text but it was kinda hard to picture what was going on because of how they worded it and sometimes it was hard to understand. Once i seen the movie i finally got an image and knew what was really happening and some other different things to watch. The movie personally was better for me cause I’m a more visual person where i would rather look at things and see it instead of listen to it. So that is why I believed the movie version was better for me.

    In conclusion i really liked both text and movie but the movie better. I really enjoyed the funny and different difference between the movie and text. Some in the movie were very different but that’s what made the movie so good. I enjoyed Shakespeare play it was very creative and well put together i would really love to read another one of his plays he wrote.

    Therefore i liked everything about this play and I would definitely read again and watch the movie over again.

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    “A Midsummer Nights Dream” Essay. (2021, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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