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    “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Character Analysis

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    Some people are just born rowdy. Puck is a character from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. His role is Oberon The fairy king’s servant. He helps Oberon get his way Throughout the story by doing his bidding and fulfilling his requests to help him steal the boy from Oberon’s wife, Titania, making her temporarily fall in love with a ‘vile creature’ using a flower shot by cupid’s arrow, thus distracting her and allowing them to take the boy for themselves. In doing so he stirs up trouble along the way.

    In A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, though Puck is loyal and may have good intentions, his Michivy and tricks always seem to wreak havoc for everyone involved. Though Puck is loyal and will do most anything for his master Oberon, he always seems to make matters worse when attempting to fulfill the task he’s been given. For example, after he is given orders to find Cupid’s flower and squeeze it into Demetrius’s eyes to make him fall in love with Helena, he tells Oberon “Fear, my lord, I shall do so”(II, i, 273).

    Puck is reassuring Oberon that he has nothing to fear and that he will without a doubt do it for him. Later on in the story, once Puck had mistakenly squeezed the flower in Lysander’s eyes, Puck says “When thou waketh let love forbid, sleep his seat on thine eyelid. So awake when I am gone; for now I must return to master Oberon”(II, ii,81-83). In this quote, he shows that despite the fact that he unknowingly squeezed the flower juice in Lysander’s eyes instead of Demetrius’, he still tried his best to follow his master Oberon’s instructions, and will now return to him and wait for his new instructions. Puck is a loyal servant, and even if he does not fulfill a task correctly, he will still try his best to fix it Puck is mischievous and brings chaos and havoc everywhere he goes.

    Back when Puck was looking for Demetrius, he mistook Lysander for Demetrius just because he was wearing Athenian clothes “Who is here? Weeds of Athens he doth wear: this is he my master said”(II, ii,70-72). This quote shows that puck is willing to take on risky, mischievous tasks without thinking first. Though Oberon did tell Puck specifically to squeeze the flower into the eyes of a man in Athenian clothing, He should’ve taken into consideration that other Athenians could have been in the forest due to the fact that the forest is said to be right outside of Athens, yet he doesn’t seem to care. “[Re-enter Puck, and Bottom with an asshead]”(III, i, ).

    Though it is not specifically stated, This Indicates that Puck has used fairy powers to turn Bottom’s head into an asshead. Puck plays tricks and does not think before he acts upon them. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, despite his loyalty and good intentions, Puck is mischievous and seems to bring chaos and wreak havoc everywhere he goes. Throughout the story, though he has put in an effort, he has failed to administer Cupid’s flower in the correct man’s eyes before even thinking twice and has turned a man’s head into that of an ass. Due to the evidence in the story, it can be concluded that though loyal, Puck is mischievous and creates chaos.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Character Analysis. (2021, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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