William Shakespeare On April 26, 1564, John Shakespeares son, William, wasbaptized at the Stratford Parish Church. No one knows for certain when hisbirthday was.
(Brown 22) It was thought that young Shakespeare began attendingschool at the age 7, in Stratford. (Wadsworth 344) Before Shakespeare reachedthe age of 13, his family endured hardships. Shakespeares formal schoolingceased. At that time, William may have begun helping his father in the glovingbusiness. (Wright 22) There is historical warrant for such an approach. Christian images, of course, pervade Shakespeares culture, throughout hiscareer he obviously thought in terms of them.
If those images are themselvesfrequently allegorical, and we should consider the extent to which theallegories are incorporated into the living texture of Shakespearescreations. (Kirch 18) At a young age Shakespeare may have viewed annual playsand seen traveling artists. These performances possibly ignited a spark thatcontinues to burn. (Wright 20) William Shakespeare was an Englishman who wrotepoems and plays. According to many he was labeled as one of the greatestdramatists the world has ever known and the finest poets who wrote in theEnglish language.
Shakespeares work relied mostly on his instincts of nature. His understanding of other people allowed him to fully grasp the quality hewrote of. (Wadsworth 342) John Shakespeare married Mary Arden in 1557. Both theShakespeares and the Ardens were farmers, and sold their products to makea living.
(Brown 23) Shakespeare had two sisters. Joan died in 1562; Margaretdied at infancy. Then in 1566 Gilbert was born. In 1569 a second child namedJoan was born; in 1571 came Anne, who died when she was eight years old. Richard was then born in 1574 followed by Edmund in 1580. (25) WilliamShakespeare married Anne Hathaway at the age of 18.
Anne was at least 8 yearsher husbands senior. The marriage record dates November 27, 1582 in anEpiscopal register found in Worchester. (45-46) The custom in Stratford afterthe eldest son married, was for the new couple to live in the house of thegrooms father. In all likelihood, Shakespeare obeyed the customary procedure. (Wright 24) Shakespeare and his wife probably had a good and happy marriage.
Shegave birth only 6 months after they were legally wed. (Wilson 43)Shakespeares son named Hamnet was only 11 years old when he died. He also hada daughter named Judith. Judith Shakespeare had 3 sons who died at young ages. Shakespeares only bloodlines were the descendants of his (second) sisterJoan. (Brown 25-26) Between 1585 and 1592, there was no account of a man namedWilliam Shakespeare.
Typically referred to as the lost years. There were norecords of his life. Some scholars believe he was living in London serving as anapprentice. Others believe he retreated and wrote under a fake name. (Wadsworth345) At about age 20, some people thought young William stole a dear from awealthy man in order to poach. A crime not tolerated during that period.
(Wright6) Eight years before the death of Shakespeare he wrote 4 new plays. Somescholars debate, which plays, was his last. Very little was known about himbefore the age of 28. (Wilson 38) He continued to visit Stratford on occasion.
(Wadsworth 347) He bought a house in London where he gradually retired. On April23, Shakespeare was laid to rest inside the Stratford Parish Church in 1616. Shakespeare was a young 52 when he died. (Wadsworth 347) For nearly a centuryafter his death Shakespeare remained more a theme for criticism by the few thana subject of adulation by the many. (Brown, 2) William Kent erected a stonestatue of William Shakespeare.
The statue is located in the Poets Corner ofWestminster Abby. (Wright 8) Shakespeare may not have felt a calling to writewhen he left Stratford, but he had a lot to learn in the big city of London. (44-45) After Shakespeare went to London, he joined an acting group. He had noexperience. He was merely a performer.
(43) William Shakespeare was an importantpart of a troupe called the Lord Chamberlains Men. He eventually became anhonored senior member. (11) Writing plays soon became a demanding business. Companies were always looking for new material.
With few new plays, companiesbegan paying for the plays. Once a play was sold it became the property of thecompany. (44-45) Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. The plays were separated into threebasic categories: comedy, tragedy, and history. (Wadsworth 342)