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    Why Liberal Arts Essay (235 words)

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    A liberal arts degree provides an inherent advantage in Mitten and oral communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, and adaptability to change,” says JP Hansen. Though, a liberal arts course has existed since the 18th century. It has just started spreading across India. And one of the few universities in India which offers this course is the Symbiosis School for liberal arts. Symbiosis being a world-wide recognized university completely understands the requirements of today’s job opportunities.

    There are quite many reasons how a student could benefit by studying at the Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, pun, They are: * Provides you with an opportunity to interact with students from different places Provides you with quality education * Different teaching methodologies k Attention-grabbing guest lectures * Very accommodating faculty members k Helps you develop more interests * Smaller classrooms k Good student-teacher ratio * Exciting field trips * Fees of RSI, 1 lake and 50 Thousand for a local student.

    With a wide range of course and affordable fees. Apart, from this SALSA also gives students to go abroad to other universities as exchange students, Though, just a new born university. The Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts offers a wide range of course and is highly beneficial for students. It lets students contribute to the college with their creativity whether it is in the form tot art or logic. Hence, SALSA is the perfect college with the perfect environment for students.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why Liberal Arts Essay (235 words). (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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