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    War Brings out the Best and Worst Essay

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    War brings out the best – and the worst – in human nature. Of course it does. There is no doubt about it. War is clearly a test of human nature. We have war heroes and we have war criminals and we also have war cowards. The heroes obviously bringing out the best in human nature and the criminals bringing out the worst.

    It”s really quite simple. All that we need to do is look at war mongrels. People such as Hitler need to be analyzed. Some of Hitler”s ideas as a civil activist were, on a political level only, well thought of. Hitler”s ideas of Ethnic cleansing is what makes him a bad person and therefore brought out the worst in him. Hitler”s followers had no idea of how powerful he would become and when he got all the power, he did not use it appropriately.

    When talking about soldiers, bringing out the best would be running through a field and picking up a wounded soldier. This shows the best in human nature and that humans are caring and sensible people. When soldiers follow unlawful commands or commit mass genocide and brutal murders, that”s when we see the worst in human nature. As of the end of World War II, obeying orders was no longer a defence for soldier”s because they should know the difference between right and wrong.

    I think it would be safe to say that war brought out the best in Robert Ross. He understood that thousands of lives were depending on him and he came through. He showed that humans can be compassionate, caring, and emotional people. He also died saving all the horses.

    There are so many events that can bring out the best or worst in humans. It”s not only war, but any time or high stress situation. I think that a time of civil disobedience would bring out the best and worst. I think we find though as humans, we have our own fine line of what”s right and wrong and usually this line takes us in the right direction.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    War Brings out the Best and Worst Essay. (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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