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    Unit TWO Music Lab Questions Essay

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    Music Appreciation Lab Questions This is the second lab assignment for the Fine Art Survey class. The link in blue has a set of questions beneath it. Open the link and watch the video. **Note that the link opens up a new browser window. Please answer the questions on this document and submit the work as one file attachment. This means you complete all work in one word processing document (e. G. , Microsoft Word) and attach the file using the dropped tool. The answers to the lab questions are worth 80 points. 80-74=A 73-68=8 67-60=C 59-54=D 53 or less = F Lab Questions Visit Divas and Superstars and watch the shows video.

    If you have trouble with the link, put this website into the address bar: http://video. PBS. Org/video/1300186085/ ) 1 . Who sang at the Grammas in Spanish in the late sass? What was the reaction? Risky Martin sang in Spanish at the Grammas. The crowd and people watching at home loved it. It was widely supported and accepted. 2. When did Latin music burst back on the scene? What song brought it back to the mainstream? What effect did it have? Latin music pursued back on the scene in 1984. “Conga” by Gloria Stefan & the Miami Sound Machine brought back Latin music back to the mainstream.

    It defined Latin pop music by mixing a Latin beat with English words. 3. How did the sounds of salsa change? The sounds of salsa changed because it was starting to be fused with pop, R&B, etc. , so that more people could understand it. 4. What was the influence of CBS’ Latin division on the explosion of Latin music in the US? CBS Latin division supported and sponsored Latin music and helped it in its growth across America. 5. Who were some of the artists who brought together Latin influenced music with mainstream pop music? Jenifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, Risky Martin, and Gloria Stefan & the Miami

    Sound Machine were some of the artists that brought together Latin influenced music with the mainstream pop music. 6. Why did the Latin music influence decrease? The Latin music influence decreased people started becoming more modernized and less people could understand the music. 7. What was Regnant? Regnant was a mixture of the Jamaican “Deem Bow” beat mixed with Puerco Rican and Latin beats. 8. What other types of music are being influenced by “Latin” music? Hip-Hop, rap, pop, and rock are all types of music being influenced by “Latin” music. Unit TWO Music Lab Questions By Kandahar

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Unit TWO Music Lab Questions Essay. (2017, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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