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    Time Management & Family Issues Essay

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    Time Management and Family IssuesUpon returning to college, the mature student (any student over the age of 24) soon realizes that their ability to manage time effectively directly impacts their learning experience and their family life. Unlike traditional students, the mature student may have a spouse, children and a full-time job that is necessary for them to survive financially.

    Adults with families will readily agree that their family alone places serious demands on their time. When adding the responsibility of school, it becomes even more difficult to make time for family, work and personal time. Enough time needs to be spent on these three major facets of life. Too much time spent in one area usually means to little time spent in another, which usually leads to stress. Time management professionals say that stress is usually the result of poor time management. Effective time management has to be the foundation of any successful and productive life.

    There are 1,440 minutes in a day. If one is employed full-time, then about nine hours (540 minutes) of the day is spent at the office and commuting. The time left in the evening for family and self is very limited. Some companies allow their employees to telecommute, in which the company’s network is accessed from the employees’ home, usually via a high-speed or broadband connection. Telecommuting increases available time for family and self by eliminating the employee’s commute.

    Along with telecommuting, some companies offer Flex-Time. Flex-Time allows the work schedule to be configured differently from the typical Monday through Friday, 9am-to-5pm workweek. One will still work a total of 40 hours that week only one day may be shorter than the rest. Flex-Time is basically a flexible work schedule.

    Flex-time and telecommuting are examples of Flexible Work Options (FWO). FWOs allow employees the opportunity to find time for their families and selves by introducing a time management element that “bends”. Along with the changing nature of office-hours via telecommuting and Flex-Time, there is a need for employees to be more efficient at work. Companies are implementing the “virtual office” which partly entails telecommuting but with the main focus being a more efficient, yet mobile workforce. With the virtual office, traditional office setups such as permanent workspace and a personal telephone become a thing of the past. An employee can either telecommute from home or come to the office.

    Once at the office, they can check out a computer and a cordless phone and proceed to log into the company’s network from any number of places in the building. Employees can log in from the cafeteria, conference rooms or their favorite place in the building. Once they log in, a central computer routes phone calls to the cordless phone that was checked out at the beginning of the day. Other companies are making the office more accessible by having satellite offices, wherein employees can work from any number of offices spread throughout their particular city or region.

    Literally, the employees can be anywhere and still perform their work duties. To the customers or clients they do business with, their location is seamless. Companies like IBM and Apple have reported increases in productivity and morale since they went to the virtual office format. Corporations are finding creative ways to yield more efficiency from their associates while giving them more time for family and personal life. When adults with a family and a career decide to continue their education, the demands on their time and energy increase dramatically. Along with re-entering college come the requirements of attending class, studying, homework and team research projects.

    If one has to attend class for four hours a week, spend an additional 8 hours for homework and studying, and three hours on team research then he or she has to somehow find an additional 15 hours in a week to perform those duties. Since it is impossible to put more time into a week, one is left with only one option – devise a system of creative and thoughtful time management. When embarking upon the implementation of a successful time-management system, one has to deal with the irony that it takes time to create an effective time management system. It .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Time Management & Family Issues Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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