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    Three main virtues of Confucianism – Jen, Shu, and Li.

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    Matthew SwiftTHA 379Dr. Etling The teachings of Confucious revolve around living a viruous life. In his view aworld in which everyone holds themselves to a high standard of virtuous thought andaction is an ideal world.

    He believes that the common good is attained through the threemain virtues, Jen, Shu, and Li. The virtue of Jen is one that is based on attitude. It is a virtue that is based onlooking out for the good of others. Confucius believed very highly in cooperation andtaught that having the virtue of Jen meant that one would cooperate with society and thuspromote the common good. The Jen attitude also place the value of people in very highregard and because of this high regard one treats others very kindly.

    The virtue of Shu is basically the same as the golden rule of christianity. Anythingthat you would not want done to you do not do to other people. Having the virtue of Shumeant that one was conscious of the affect that their actions have on other people and ifvery careful to make sure that the affect in not negative. The last virtue Li is the result of Jen and Shu. It is all of the great things that comebecause of the first two virtues. In Confucius’ opinion this was best displayed during thefuedal period in Chinese history.

    This was the best example of a social order in whicheverything was in its right place. Li was the proper execution of a religous and moral wayof life. The confucianist teachings are in many ways what a civilized and humane societywould view as common sense or the right way to live. He emphasized the propertreatment of others and place great importance on the value of human life.


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    Three main virtues of Confucianism – Jen, Shu, and Li.. (2019, Apr 24). Retrieved from

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