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    Theatre 101 part 1

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    Historically, traditional drama began when
    spoken drama was introduced into shamanistic rituals
    One popular playwright during the Renaissance was
    Ben Jonson
    Rome’s greatest contribution to the theatre was
    their architecture of the theatre space
    Which of the following is NOT true of the Greek chorus
    it offered individuals the opportunity to voice personal opinions
    In Mandarin, Chinese Opera is called xiqu, which means?
    tuneful theatre
    All of the following authors wrote for royal theatres EXCEPT?
    The ancient Greek god of fertility, wine, agriculture, and sexuality was?
    Which country is the home of the oldest continuous theatre tradition?
    A mansion is?
    A temporarily crafted stage piece that was set up in a public square and then moved about from day to day
    The central creed of the Romantic theatre was?
    Elizabeth I was part of what is known as the Royal era, often inviting William Congreve to produce plays at the royal residence.
    The primary foundations of theatre are ritual and dancing.
    Two of the most famous Roman comic playwrights are Terence and Seneca.
    Medieval mystery plays were performed only in Latin.
    Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides are the three masters of Greek tragedy.
    A play’s final repository is
    The minds and memories of its audience
    Why is the theatre in a strong position to force and focus confrontation with social issues?
    Most productions do not act as propaganda but present the issues in all their complexity as food for thought and as such public debate. stimulate dialogue, and turn public attention and compassion to important issues.
    The presence of a critical focus in the audience has the effect of keeping the theatre….
    Which type of critic needs sufficient background to provide a context for opinion and evaluation? His or her judgements are made against a background of knowledge and experience.
    the informed critic
    Which of the following is NOT an example of a play that makes the theatre a matter in the play itself?
    Sophocles “Oedipus The King”

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Theatre 101 part 1. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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