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    The renaissance Flashcards

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    a noble must have all of these characteristics except
    a standard education
    __________ was called the father of italian renaissance humanism
    the divine comedy includes all of these three sections except
    the flemish painter jan van eyck was one of the first to use and perfect this technique
    oil painting
    thomas more’s book utopia is about
    an ideal state
    leonardo da vinci was an excellent example of renaissance italy’s social ideal because he
    was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician
    christine de pizan is best known for her
    works written in defense of women
    The frescos painted by _____ have long been regarded as the first masterpieces of early Renaissance art
    christian humanists believed that
    if people read the classics and especially the basic works of christianity, they would become more pious
    in 1528, baldassare castiglione wrote the book of the courtier, which
    described the characteristics of a perfect renaissance noble
    chaucer’s the canterbury tales is an important work because
    chaucer’s use of the english vernacular was important in making his dialect the chief ancestor of the modern english language
    the ___ movement had a profound effect on education
    what is a fresco
    a style of painting
    what artist took 50 years to design the doors for a baptistery of a local cathedral
    lorenzo ghiberti
    what was the central city state during the renaissance
    which author wrote the divine comedy about traveling in the after life
    giovanni boccaccio
    both an artist and scientist, who was probably the best example of a renaissance man
    leonardo da vinci
    what artist made the first free standing sculpture in europe since the ancient times
    who painted the last supper and the mona lisa
    leonardo da vinci
    which renaissance artist kept notebooks with extensive observations
    da vinci
    which is true of donatello’s david compared to michelangelo’s
    it portrays him after the battle with goliath
    the last supper shows the disciples’ reaction
    after he tells them one of you will betray me
    who did the sistine chapel
    which is not true of the Sistine chapel
    it was painted while lying on his back
    Italy was divided into
    city states
    what is sfumato
    blurring or blending to create mystery
    why did Michelangelo portray david the way he did
    he wanted to show that the real victory was david being brave enough to fight goliath
    which artist modeled their statue of david after assistant, da vinci
    which artist’s david was the first free standing statue in the renaissance
    which writer was a great english playwright
    william shakespeare
    memorial where st peter was killed
    a painter and sculptor
    his works include david and the pieta
    based on the study of the literary works of Greece and rome
    his masterpiece in the Italian vernacular was the divine comedy
    wrote the influential political book the prince
    petrarch’s love poems
    this family controlled the government of florence
    the pope’s architect
    written in the slang language of the day
    boccaccio’s graphic description of the plague

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    The renaissance Flashcards. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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