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    Famous Italians – Leonardo da Vinci – Renaissance

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    The Renaissance is considered to be the bridge between the Middle Ages and Modern History.
    The Renaissance is considered to be the bridge between the Middle Ages and Modern History.
    Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Renaissance.
    Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Renaissance.
    The Renaissance started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period.
    The Renaissance started as a cultural movement in Italy in the Late Medieval period.
    Naissance means birth in French. Renaissance means rebirth and covered a period in Europe, from the 14th to 17th century.
    Naissance means birth in French. Renaissance means rebirth and covered a period in Europe, from the 14th to 17th century.
    His father was called Messer Piero and his mother was called Caterina.
    His father was called Messer Piero and his mother was called Caterina.
    This is a picture of the house Leonardo was born in.
    This is a picture of the house Leonardo was born in.
    Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, in 1452
    Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, in 1452
    Leonardo was born in Italy, in a town called Vinci, near Florence.
    Leonardo was born in Italy, in a town called Vinci, near Florence.
    Leonardo's mother did not marry Messer Piero. She was a peasant girl who fathered his child. This meant that Leonardo is an illegitimate child.
    Leonardo’s mother did not marry Messer Piero. She was a peasant girl who fathered his child. This meant that Leonardo is an illegitimate child.
    Leonardo da Vinci means Leonardo from or of Vinci.
    Leonardo da Vinci means Leonardo from or of Vinci.
    From an early age, he loved animals.
    From an early age, he loved animals.
    It has been suggested that Leonardo was kind to all animals and possible a Vegan as well.
    It has been suggested that Leonardo was kind to all animals and possible a Vegan as well.
    He wrote notes and drew pictures in his notebook.
    He wrote notes and drew pictures in his notebook.
    He watched birds to learn how they fly.
    He watched birds to learn how they fly.
    He loved to think and learn.
    He loved to think and learn.
    He invented a secret code by writing backwards.
    He invented a secret code by writing backwards.
    In 1468, he became an artist.
    In 1468, he became an artist.
    Leonardo da Vinci painted
    Leonardo da Vinci painted “The Last Supper” in 1497
    Leonardo da Vinci painted the
    Leonardo da Vinci painted the “Mona Lisa” in 1503.
    He continually had a thirst for learning, studying plants, water, and maths.
    He continually had a thirst for learning, studying plants, water, and maths.
    Leonardo da Vinci designed the first helicopter, airplane, and bicycle long before they were actually invented.
    Leonardo da Vinci designed the first helicopter, airplane, and bicycle long before they were actually invented.
    Leonardo da Vinci wanted to learn more about the human anatomy as well so made many drawings of the body.
    Leonardo da Vinci wanted to learn more about the human anatomy as well so made many drawings of the body.
    Leonardo da Vinci designed new buildings and cities.
    Leonardo da Vinci designed new buildings and cities.
    Leonardo da Vinci even designed new weapons.
    Leonardo da Vinci even designed new weapons.
    Leonardo da Vinci was a genius.
    Leonardo da Vinci was a genius.
    Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist, scientist, inventor, and architect.
    Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist, scientist, inventor, and architect.
    Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519.
    Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Famous Italians – Leonardo da Vinci – Renaissance. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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