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    The Influence of Music on Human Beings Essay

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    The history of music therapy B. Music as a form of therapy ‘V. Music affects people’s mind. A. Music and stresses B. Music and education C. Music and emotion V. Conclusion A. Summary B. Suggestions Introduction Have you ever been interested in music? Have you noticed that music has some influences upon humans? How about music’s effects? Are they often good for people? How does music cure diseases and illnesses? Why do some people can’t live without songs? How can music affect our emotions and mind? Today, music has become more popular in people’s lives. Music has now become a big part of life.

    Everyone lays music conveniently at their homes by music recordings, radio broadcasts, and CDC. According to Longing Dictionary of American English (2006, p. 268) music means its music; however, most of them don’t really have words to describe it (p. 5). Human and music’s relationship is getting closer. Bower (2010) proves that in a society, music mainly interacts with people when musicians have actions with music. Everyone can partake in this process, and these experiences are inset in our lives. When people find something in common through the music which has an agile implication, they will be closer (p. . Music is closely related to human lives, so there are more and more scholars who begin to do research on the influences which are brought by music. This paper presents some researchers’ ideas of: the importance of music, the functions of music, and the effects of music on human lives. People should not live without music. Some people point out music is a very important part of their lives. Music brings us many benefits on communication, relationships, and sometimes, music is an approach of marketing. Every country has their typical culture.

    Different places have different languages, o people often can’t understand the person who uses the different language. However, music can span the language bounds to touch people (Higgins, p. 2). The author Bower (2010) also says that music and language are possible the same, even today music is isolated from language by the culture (p. 5). Music is universal in that there are no boundaries to understanding music. Even animals like birds, dogs, and whales can understand music Tao certain degree. What is amazing about music is that it is embedded within all of us.

    Everyone can understand it and feel something if they open themselves up. Music is a method to show people’s emotions, so people like to make it (Clark, 2011. Para. 7). While people are in the places like churches, cathedrals or temples, the wonderful Musicians’ art attract people to become closer (Para. 13). Sharing experience of music can bring people together. This type of behavior is rooted in our history and our discoveries as human beings. Music can make time feel frozen. Music also has the power to suggest movement. All these things deal with the human senses.

    For business, music is a good thing. Mailman (1982) points out that music is use to make some particular feelings and actions as he background music. This way is often used in production facilities and offices, the main targets are staffs and shoppers (p. 86). Just think about what would happen without music when entering into a fancy restaurant? Music like an invisible promoter, hard works for humans without salary. No one really knows where music came from but there are many theories that suggest music predates the existence of humans.

    Johnston and Royally (1996) point out that over the centuries, music already has a connection with medicine (p. 54), they also say, music had the ability to cure the diseases and the soul was trusted by the Greeks. The first using of music to cure the mental illness people was taken by Consecrates, Carpenter, and Orion these three Greeks. The dramatist Homer thought that negative emotion could be shunned by music; also risks like Confucius, Plato, and Pythagoras thought that people’s health could be improved by contacting music every day (p. 4). According to their studies, using music in medical field is inexorable Music can cure diseases and illness, this function evolved the word of “music therapy’, and it is getting more and more popular, so, what does it mean in modern society? The meaning of music therapy is using music and its theories to improve, regain or keeping the health of mind, body, affection and mentality with accepted music therapists adeptly (Canadian association, 1994, Para. L). How does it work?

    According to Harvey ; Simon (201 1), the brain’s adaptability could be improved by music, and music is able to let nerve cells to have new relations (p. 4) More specifically, rhythm in the extent of 60 – 70 beats every minute is close to heart’s beats, these kinds of rhythms are most moderate. Illness or the environment sometimes will cause the stresses. Music beats can help people’s bodies to recover the sequences and the problems that body gets in the past (Burke, Walsh, Lealer, & Gingers, 1995, p. 9). Music affects people’s mind. In modern society, people get many kinds of stresses from their lives.

    Music is useful in this part. In Harvey and Simony’s (2011) article “Music and health”, they say that in Italian, 24 versed musicians as the health volunteers constitute a study group healthy volunteers. They discovered that the importance of beats can’t be ignored. The music that is slow or meditative would affect people to feel relax, however, faster beats brought people stimulus. Once the upward beats of music stopped, the heart rates and blood pressures of that person who is doing test would have a decrease, the data is lower than normal, and proved that subjects felt relax (up. -3). As the theory of music therapy, how to use music to reduce the stresses is easy to understand. There are some places educating with music, is it good? How does it working? Listening to music helps organize the firing of nerve cells in the right half of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher functions. Learning to play instruments may enhance the brain’s ability to master tasks involving language kills, memory, and attention. (Harvey & Simon, 2011, p. 2) Music can be useful with learning.

    It makes education more easily and breezily. “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. ” – Aloud Huxley. People are most possibly to remember a moment where a song has made them particularly sad or very excited and happy. Studies show that “Cheerful music can make people feel happy, energetic, and alert”, it also says music can do the things of “lifting the mood of people” (Harvey & Simon, 2011, p. 2). However, sometimes people also easy to be affected by the mood of music.

    Kiang, Collar, Bailey and Chem. (2011) prove that some bad emotions are caused by music which can affect emotions effectively (p. 221). Conclusion Generally, the music’s significance; the music’s functionalities; and the music’s impacts are the three main things that music brings to us. The article “Brain training” (2012) points out that humans are received many benefits from music, like reduce stress and inquietude. In the same way, if people want alleviating pain, improving the ability of memorizing and attention, or supports positive mood, all of the benefits of music should be used effectively.

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    The Influence of Music on Human Beings Essay. (2017, Dec 09). Retrieved from

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